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Monday 25 February 2013

Keith keeps his genitalia! & Fiennes gets bitten!

Glad to report that "Keith" the colleague mentioned in the last blog managed to take head of the note left by Glen and indeed did stack the shelf with the required "Space Invader" munchies therefore ensuring that his genitalia remains in tact! 

A fact I failed to mention in the last blog is that a dear colleague at the Salt Mine, "lets call her Rachael" is now back at work after a bout of Pneumonia, poor old thing not long ago had a bout of pleurisy so she's been through the mangle in the last few months.  In welcoming her back I did ask her if her life assurance is up to date!  

Another twist in the Pistorious case is the fact that his brother Carl is charged with culpable homicide of a motorcyclist in 2008.  It makes you wonder when the next skeleton might fall out of the Pistorious cupboard?!

The "Acclaimed" Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes is to pull out of his latest expedition because of having frostbite.  Apparently he had to fix a ski binding and did it with his bare hands in minus 30c.  With his experience you would have thought he would have known better.  Ok we don't know the full details of why he did it but it smacks of "familiarity breeds contempt"!

Not to be left out of the horsemeat scandal "Ikea" has jumped on the bandwagon announcing that meatballs made for it in Sweden have "traces of horsemeat". Nestle also announced it had found horse DNA in meat supplied form Spain.  Where will it all end!

I was looking at the weather, as we English do!  and noticed that the Temperature has not risen above 5c since the 19th of Feb.  Ok its not really cold but its unusual in England for it to be cold for so long.  Luckily we are forecasted for it to get up to 8c by the weekend.

Finally - Phil2 the Freelander is off to the local Land Rover garage in the morning in an attempt to repair the faulty speedo.  Its been interesting using the "Speed Box" app on the iPhone but it will be good to have the regular one working again.  I'm hoping i wont need a "bank loan" to pay for the repair.  Boris the Defender looks to be in line to be repaired quite soon now after his slight accident a couple of weeks ago according to our insurer!  We have a plan for him after that - - - more later!!!!!    

Enjoy the day
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  1. The frost bite couldnt of happened to a better "Featherman "


  2. I find many useful things herewith. It is really amazing for us. there are landroverrepairs. just click on the website and Take advantages . From a last decade I was searching such type of web site. . I refer this to my close friends who are already seeking for the same .thanks again guys…

  3. Thanks Zehina Thanks for the advice on the Land Rover Repairs.
