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Thursday 21 February 2013

Just a bit of this and that

The news agencies are devoting a lot of time to the Pistorius case going on in South Africa although they don't seem to be reporting the same case!, depending on which one you read.  The chief detective in the case "Hilton Botha" is taking a hammering though for being what appears to be a complete incompetent.  A huge factor against "Hilton Botha" is the fact that an investigation has been re-opened into a story where he faces 7 attempted murder charges! 
The "attempted murder" charges happened in 2009 - - - he was arrested in 2011 - - - - and then the charges were dropped  - - - but are now being re-instated in 2013.  I smell a rat or maybe its a little infestation!" 

The horsemeat roundabout trundles on with reports of investigations now going on in Italy and Spain.  Locally its reported that "real butchers" (didnt know we still had any) are seeing an upsurge in sales with "jolly" little signs appearing in butchers windows trumpeting the validity of their goods on offer.  Nice to see the "little man" getting his own back! Of course it will all end in tears because the "big boys" will introduce "real meat" at silly prices to get us all back in their emporiums. 

I see Lance Armstrong the disgraced cyclist is now refusing to speak to US "Doping Officials".  - - - A tad late there Lance, a tad late! 

A local council worker has been sacked for stealing computer parts and selling them on E Bay reportedly making £10.000 in the process.  The "Likely lad" took stuff that was destined for the landfill to support "his business".  Apparently one of his managers thought the scheme "A jolly good idea", unfortunately after a whistle blowing e mail,  the court did not agree. 

Our weather has been a mixed bag of late, quite cold mornings have let me test out what "outfits" i'm going to wear in just over a weeks time climbing on Ben Nevis
Really cold and frosty down by the river
A while later the same day it was warm enough to enjoy the rays!

My replacement Freelander, Phil2 visited the local garage yesterday in an attempt to repair/replace what appears to be a faulty speedo.  Alas the lectroninc equipment used couldn't detect a fault so today its a trip a few miles away to the local Land Rover franchise to be put on their "special equipment".  A bit like a visit to Harley Street i fear it might prove to be a costly exercise! 

I had better dig out my sainsbugs "uniform" today as my 2 weeks sojourn is comes to an end Sunday - - - - back to the Salt Mine  - -hey ho!  

Enjoy the day
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