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Friday 22 February 2013

Did Magna Carta die in vain? & theres a flasher alert!

Brilliant story in the Telegraph today by Harry Mount about the questions asked of the judge by the jury in the Vicky Price case.  It seems to show the jury have little idea what was going on, having to ask the judge to define "reasonable doubt".  The story harks back amusingly to the one of Tony Hancocks "half hour" sketches about a a juror where he asks "Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did she die in vain?  - - - worth a read

The Daily Express headline today trumpets - - one again, "Arthritis: New Breakthrough" The story claims that "Aspirin & Fish pills combined can beat chronic illness"  A more interesting and touching tale is one of a keeper at Oregon Zoo  who has come up with a novel way to get a sea otter to exercise its Arthritic Joints.  Basketball!  cute video as well.  Note: Otters eat fish don't they? maybe they should get it to try the Aspirin suggested by the express! 

The cold weather is high on the agenda in the news.  In the US they are once again being battered by a severe snowstorm which is due to "peter out Saturday as it reaches the great lakes" unfortunately to be followed immediately by another!  We seem to be escaping the snow at the moment, but don't "hold your breath" 
An interesting article with pics is told by the BBC  about how the nordic countries put out their babies in the cold to nap.  Theres a pic of one pram outside a coffee shop with a device attached to it that displays, to the mum inside the current temperature, which is showing minus 10c.  We seem to shun this practise in UK but I remember it was also a practise widely used when i was a kid. 

Locally:  Phil2 had a trip to the local Landrover Franchise, a busy place called DLS a few miles away in Wirksworth.  Within 5 minutes of arriving they had him hooked up to "the machine" to diagnose the problem.  The remedy though was not readily apparent which was a similar diagnoses to the Darley Dale Garage over the road.  So Phil2 is booked in for the day at DLS and hopefully the problem can be found and fixed.  

A story in the Matlock Mercury  one of our "many" local papers has a bit of a twist to it.  A van driver (male) on route from Chesterfield to Matlock pulls off the road at a makeshift lay by in an area known locally as "the tops".  Its the route over the hills before you drop down into the Derwent Valley.   Enjoying the view he notices a BMW car pass him "a number of times" before stopping.  The driver gets out and "flashes" at the van driver.  The name of the lane on which both vehicles were at the time - - - "Flash Lane" Mmmmmmmmmm!

We decided yesterday to burn off all the cuttings etc that we dump on the land just above the boundary of our garden as the pile was about 6 feet high and growing.  Having reduced it somewhat in the conflagration we were joined by John our neighbour who added a few more bits to the fire.  His 2 children joined us and as we left were seen adding dead wood to the fire.  Later we spotted John carrying food up there so it looks as if they were eating al-fresco in the gathering gloom.  I must check this morning to make sure he didn't make them "camp by the fire all night"  he was "in the military you know!"

Only 2 days before I re-engage with a shift at "the Salt Mine"  I'm rather glad it will be on a Sunday as it should allow me to "ease" back into the routine.  I must remember to interrogate colleagues for blog material!! 

Enjoy the day
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