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Friday 11 November 2011

Tesco meets Mr Nastyface!

A very grey day but at least I managed to get the new porch frame painted to some degree, I'm using a wood stain and it needs a couple of coats so it will be a case of how many before i find it tedious and give up.  

Anyway sloshing away with the old brush and there's a heck of a squeal from near the shed so I step down from the ladder and see the large Tabby, christened Mr Nastyface having a go at little Tesco.  Luckily for her she was near to or already under the shed and the attacker couldn't get at her.

I make a lot of noise and chase him up and out of the garden and go back to the shed.  By this time Sainsbury has arrived on the scene but does not appear to know whether to run in or look for trouble.  I save him the bother by scooping him up and showing him where Tesco is hiding.   He cautiously edges forward with her growling at him until they both recognise each other.  They both then retire swiftly to the kitchen and recover from the ordeal with a biscuit or 2.

The rest of the day passes quietly having shopped and gone over to Chestefield to pick up yet more bits for Sally's Defender to enable us to fit the replacement headlights.  As usual you think its just going to be a case of old light out new light in.  Once you get into the job other bits a rusting away the clip need replacing that hold the light to the unit.  So what was 2 lights at £62 becomes 2 more bits and sets of clips at another £63.  Still it doea help if you can see where you are going and the present lights are past their sell by date!

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