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Saturday 26 November 2011

Book what book!!!

I have spent a considerable amount of time this week scanning photos & documents in an attempt to get everything catalogued before I even think about book content but its starting to raise its head so to speak.
Funny thing with the photo's even though the events I have been scanning were back in the 70's I can remember 99.9% of them.  The problem I have is "when" as in year/date were they took.  The odd one I had scribbled the date on or something in the view is dated but for the most part I'm going to have to do some research of the well documented bits and bobs.
I don't suppose the reader will be looking for historical accuracy but it makes sense to get dates for significant events correct.
I'm wrestling with "how" I should write it.  Any tales I relate to people are normally the amusing ones and it would be easy to make light of the whole book, however there are a number of "deadly" serious bits that need to be told and its how to fit these in.  More thought on this is I think! ?  
Paul a colleague at Sainsbugs is fascinated with the little snippets I feed him and wonders why I have not put pen to paper earlier.  I'm putting up pics on facebook with stories and if his reaction is anything to go by the book should be an interesting read.
I still think my time in the forces was "just what I did" back then.  I don't get this enormous feeling of "pride" that many ex soldiers seem to have.  Wearing their medals and berets at various events, I just cant bring myself to attend any of the "reunions"?  I realise my time in the Army helped hone me into the cynical old fart that I am now but I think I have always been a "half empty" viewer of the glass and wonder if that's why I'm still here!!!

To end this rambling let me put up a photo that I particularly remember the details of.  Its a black and white from the Oman when I was in the SAS.  We were searching a small part of the Wadi Naheez which is an absolutely huge wadi that you notice right away when you step off the plane at Salalah.  We had realised that it was "almost" certain no adoo were there but the ever present booby traps could still be in the caves we were looking at.  The look on my face says it all.  Scary, serious, exiting and what the F are you doing taking pictures for now!

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