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Tuesday 22 November 2011

Is it me?

You know what its like the water company or lets point the finger directly here the contractors "Enterprise" are digging up the road outside your house. They put up temporary traffic lights that you cant see either end of and when you pull put to go somewhere its a better than even chance your going to meet the moron from Mars coming the other way who would rather re-arrange your teeth than listen to your explanation!

Bless their "Contractors" cotton socks though they do put a postcard through the door explaining what day and when they are cutting off the water.  This obviously lets you "prepare" by filling pans etc to get you through the "dry period"

"You know whats coming dont you!?" They then switch the B water off at 8am on a day when they are not scheduled to.  Sally in shower does not appreciate my suggestion of dipping her head in the rain barrel by the shed to rinse out the soap.  Soooo ungrateful!  "you could use the T towels I bought you for your birthday", i joke - - - - she doesn't see the joke!  Once out of shower and using some cold water we bottled previously to "rinse".  The water is switched back on although it has the colour of the Ganges in full flood!!!

Is it me?

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