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Tuesday 1 November 2011

Halloween - - - November and all that

We survived Halloween last night with 10 children visiting in various states of ghoulishness.  I have always poo poo'd trick or treat as a nasty American idea but Sally tells me that on Wikipedia ("so it must be true")  that we can trace a similar antic back to the middle ages.  The poor would go to the wealthy's doors more or less for a "treat", not sure how the trick bit works there.
The pumpkin pics below are the 2 Sally carved for our front windows to attract the ghouls.

I spent the greater part of yesterday putting up a frame onto the porch at the back of the house in an effort to stop the rain and soon the snow from getting onto the stairs down to the back door.  it does look  little odd as at the moment as I dont want to spend the considerable amount of money necessary to put tri-wall poly carbon sheeting over the whole structure.  I have enough to do the roof today and will gradually do the rest before Christmas.

November already, Christmas will be here and gone before we know it and it will then soon be time for us to go on our long awaited holiday to Kurumba in the Maldives.  We are both looking forward to that.

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