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Friday 18 November 2011

A case of identity!

You know what its like, standing there jostling with the other passengers looking for your case coming around the carousel at the airport?
Ok going on holiday its not so bad but coming back you have just endured 11 or so hours on a plane and you just want to get home.  Your cases look just like all the others, in fact, "hasn't that strange looking bloke just taken one of ours?!"

So with the holidays looming, at last at last!  we decided to get some new cases.  As well as them being the biggest I could find I went for a bright colour.  Pink, puce call it what you like but I still had "a cunning plan" for better identification.

Both our vehicles have the Wolfskin paw stickers on and I had one large one left over that's been kicking around for ages.  I made a stencil out of it and splodged a few paw prints on each one!

Easy to spot or what!!!!

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