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Monday 1 February 2016

Terry Wogan dies & Henry is with us

The Express emulates just about all the other papers this morning in a farewell to Sir Terry Wogan undoubtedly one of the most popular Radio 2 presenters for years.  The banner headline by Leo-Mckinstry has the Enoch Powell "Rivers of blood" speech about it - - - but that came true in the end! - - - 
This rather nice collage fronts the story in the Express about Storm Henry which is set to hit us today! - - - The Met O has issued a severe weather warning the story says, with winds up to 100mph widespread gales and 2 inches of rain! - - - This sky news story however appears to indicate the Storm will not arrive until Monday night - - -
This listing cargo ship full of timber and digging machines is heading for the French Atlantic coast after all its crew were lifted off last Tuesday, attempts are still going on to try and tow the vessel to safety
The video in this link  in this Metro story is pretty spectacular when lightening strikes just a couple of metres from the bloke with the camera - - - 
The morning had only just got going yesterday when it started to rain and although the strong winds forecast didnt really materialise the fine rain just never gave up.  It gave me time to battle with a windows recycle bin on an old XP machine that will just not empty.  I tried all the google suggestions except reinstalling windows and finally threw in the towel mid afternoon.  Its not making using the machine difficult or anything its just one of those niggles that you think should be easy to fix - - - 
The Temp is just hitting double figures right now but i think the forecasters are talking of a drop to low single figures during the day.  The wind started with a couple of huge gusts around 04:45 this morning and i think its going to be the main feature of the day.  The talk of 2 inches of rain today looks a little lame from the netweather radar pic 
 of a few minutes ago but it does show some rain moving in whereas around 30 mins ago it was clear, i suppose that shows how fast Henry is moving 
the wind chart from XC weather gives an idea of what Henry is doing now and its looking as if Scotland will get a hammering later  
the weathercam is showing the moon but there is a fair amount of cloud around.  I'll post another pic when we get to daylight 
UPDATE 07:40
The forecast wind is evident now and a gust of 17.8mph was recorded a few minutes ago.  The cloud cover is about 70% at the moment but the speed they are moving at the weathercam pic changes constantly
Enjoy the day 
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