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Monday 15 February 2016

Diabetes epidemic & late blogging today!

The harsh realities of Diabetes are laid out on the front page of the Express this morning 700 a day thats one evewry 2 minutes are diagnosed with diabetes claims the story, it comes as no surprise that obesity is one of the main cause of the "epidemic" - - -  
The Country File TV programme gets a caning after it showed a deer being butchered on a part of the show show which featured game keepers duties.  I can understand why people might be "enraged" but the programme is probably the nearest they get to the country so its hardly surprising.  No doubt they will be alongside the anti fox hunting also - - - 
The Metcheck ptojection looks like we are in for a cold night and then a soggy end to tomorrow, looking towards Wed there's even a chance of some snow if its cold enough 

a couple of magpies joined us for breakfast earlier today 

very cold now as its late in the day  Soooo busy today! blogging very late!  but at least we did see the sunshine 

once again the sun leaves the valley as the Temp sets its sights on a downward trend 
Enjoy the day
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