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Monday 8 February 2016

Storm Imogen arrives & A walk to Chatsworth weir for me

The Express pours more scorn on the PM's EU deal indicating is fuelling another migrant surge, one of the banners points to a little reality when it tells us Storm Imogen is set to "cause mayhem" - - - 
Funny story from the Mail  about a lady who suffers or did from Insomnia! - - - 
Not a brilliant day yesterday but after the few days of inactivity since my Needle Aponeurotomy, its healing nicely, much recommended! I determined a walk was in order but with the recent rains thought it might turn out to be a bit of a mud bath 
 I decided i would walk up the river into Chatsworth as far as the Weir and back the water didnt look too high as i started off 
 the Ransoms wild garlic are already evident on the riverside path a few leaves have started to open but most are small spikes tentatively poking their heads above the ground   
a little further upriver its obvious how high the water level is as these trees hang onto the bank 

 i pass more evidence of the very expensive cycle track being bulldozed through the undergrowth and finally approaching what used to be a Railway Sidings at Rowsley to witness the cavalier ruination of the old  walking pathway.  The riverside path used to end at the gap between the metal fence with the cone and the wooden fence, "alas no more".  The cycle path has now gone through part of the fence and on away up to a small car park.  In late summer there used to be the most tasty Blackberries that you could pluck as you made your way on the tarmac road towards the streetlight, "alas no more"  If you look closely a person can be seen in line with the base of the streetlight, a similar aged TOG like myself we had a good 5 minute conversation about the "qualities" of the cycle path 
 shrugging off the disappointment about the Blackberry patch i pass through the Southern edge of Rowsley and make my way onto what is normally a muddy track due to it being used by the dairy herd going about their daily milking duties.  Result! they are not yet out in the fields due to the weather and the track is nice and firm.  The roof of the old building on the right of the pic has been in different stages of falling down for 20 years its looks like it might last a little longer 
 off the metalled track and through a muddy glade of trees i emerge onto the flat grassland leading to Calton Lees village.  I particularly like this view it reminds me of my time in Neuhasen Ob Eck in southern Germany. This particular view has a wilderness quality about it, pasture fronting the wooded hills and lookinjg closely i can see a Buzzard wheeling over the lofty hillside pine trees.  To bring me back to reality 250 metres to my right is the busy b road into Chatsworth where a car horn is blaring 
 although rain is forecast for later in the day the sunshine stabs a hole in the clouds and illuminates a patch of ground in front of me 
 I reach Calton Lees with its houses all owned by the Chatsworth Estate, easily discernable by the woodwork on the buildings all being in the familiar Chatsworth blue  
 I reach the weir and the steps are hidden by the depth of the water as are the large stones below it by the churning foam
 Another of my favourite views is this one back down the river from the weir with the hills in the distance 
 with all the rain this temporary lake has got larger and larger I imagine it should be called "Lone Tree Lake" 
 i reach the b road and realise the clouds do appear to be breaking a little and take this shot looking back North 
I'm looking South now down to the Nine Ladies hilltop which is roughly in line with our cottage 
 The sun bursts through the cloud as I walk down the A6 and manage to capture it almost without vehicles
Back home the sunshine is still about so we take T in the garden and Sally notices that we have a few miniature Daffs in our peach tree pot.  Its still sheltering in the greenhouse at the moment 
 Our next door neighbours in blossom almond tree we think is in full view because unlike the other side of the garden we don't have a fence their side.  The blossom looks magnificent in the sunshine.  All too soon though the weather followed the forecast and we had heavy rain and high winds - - - 
Storm Imogen  is the focus of this Sky News article with this pic of the approaching wind and rain, It is however South Wales and across England to London who will have 80mph winds and some pretty heavy rainfall. This BBC story about the storm  says winds have reached 93mph at the Needles off the Isle if Wight already this morning. 
The current Netweather radar display  shows the precipitation well spread out at the moment but i feel sure it will marshall itself into some pretty intense bouts of rain and wind during the day 
 the Temp is once again quite cold and the wind strength, even now, is gearing up for a very blustery day
the now familiar weathercam pic has shows lots of cloud and its been raining quite a bit overnight.  The forecast for today is looking like a wet windy picture much like the last few days 
Enjoy the day
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