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Thursday 18 February 2016

Another Brexit triumph but will it be enough & weather machine woes

The Brexit campaign gets another boost from today's headline in the express surely enough have been done to convince UK residents its time to leave - - - 
Interesting Sky news article on Everything you wanted to know about the EU "here" 
Amazing footage of a diver releasing a whale shark from fishing rope that was causing it a lot of pain  - - - 
 very cold last night so the old weather data is failing to reach the console, i can see on one of my other sensors that the current Temp is only 1.7c right now 
the weathercam though is showing the sun beginning to get into the valley.  The forecast is calling for a max Temp of 6 today falling quickly once the sun sets.  Yesterdays rain looks not to be repeated today - - - 
Enjoy the day
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