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Thursday 4 February 2016

PM's EU deal crumbling & A trip to Derby for me

 A great headline in the Express for the "Brexit" brigade as the PM's EU deal is further exposed as a failure. Giving child support benefits to migrants children in another country is bad enough but to give them greater benefits than the UK standard if the other countries standard of living is higher is just plain crazy - - - 
The Mail harks back to Chamberlains ambivalent statement on hitlers invasion of Poland, not for a minute are there any parallels with that situation but it hints that in as little as 20 weeks we will be given the chance to regain a foothold on our own country and decide what WE want rather than some loony set of EU politicians. Brexit! - - - 

Someone decommissioned a GPS satellite which then disrupted DAB radio receivers    I hadn't realised that DAB reception relies GPS satellites.  A more intriguing side to the article is that the satellites timing mechanism was out by 13 microseconds which exceeded the design specifications.  A US Air force (they own the things) statement said that the issue had been resolved but GPS positioning could have been "thrown out by nearly 4km" during the down time - - - mind boggling - - - 
Yesterdays weather was once again a bit of a sunshine one minute raining the next and from the looks of things thats going to be the trend for the next few days.  I had determined to clean Cyril and Boris but it was a case of pick a gap between the rain clouds.  Another task was to clean out the area in front of Boris which we use as an additional firewood wood store .  I blogged the other day about the bits of plastic chewed up by a few ambitious mice which hopefully LM has seen off! on clearing up yesterday it emerged that they had chewed off a huge piece from the plastic sheeting used to shield the wood from the damp coming through the breezeblock wall.
I'll blog a pic tomorrow. 
I'm off to Derby to see about my dupuytren's in my left hand again a lump at the base of my index finger is playing up now so hopefully they can fit me in soon to get it removed. 
the Metcheck  current upwind radar pic shows a showery aspect at the moment and the projections for the next few days along the top indicate that it might be more of the same weather coming along.  
Its on the mild side of the single figure Temps today but i reckon that breeze will make it feel pretty cool!  The forecast is showing a max Temp of 11c and winds of 10 - 20mph until dark so dont forget the brolly! 
UPDATE 07:30 
the weathercam pic is as expected a show of grey cloud and there is a little light fine rain on the NW wind 
Enjoy the day 
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