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Saturday 6 February 2016

EU Boss: Leave if you want to & One less in our pond

The Express headline puts it succinctly from the EU president Martin Schulz Leave if you want to it sounds like "they" are getting tired of our PM's insistence on a renegotiated UK membership - - - 
iPhones disabled if Apple detects unauthorised repairs  this sounds a bit "Big Brother ish" where on updating your iphone software the update can detect if repairs have been done other than by an official Apple Engineer.  
The device signals this to the user by reporting an "Error 53"and rendering the phone useless.  A spokesperson for Apple has advised users with this error to contact "Apple support" - - - I wonder what the outcome might be? - - -
Another "Top Gear" revelation is laid out in this Daily Mail story that apparently Eddie Jordan is set to be a Top Gear Presenter  German driver Sabine Schmitz and motoring journalist Chris Harris are also in the frame.  The show has a planned return date sometime in May with the old presenters, Clarkson May and Hammond working for Amazon Prime on their "Motoring Show" billed for later in the year.  
Here's something i have never really quite understood or "subscribed" to, LinkedIn, I have had others send me "invitations" to join where they look just like "friend requests" from Facebook, but have never "ticked the box".  I always imagined it was a bit like these "Institutes/guilds/associations/ Professional agencies" that you might get sucked into every time you change your job as you tread the boards of "working life".  
LinkedIn stock plunges 43% wiping off $11bn of firms value says the Mails story and it then go's through the litany of disaster and shows a wiggly line as the stock plunged during 6 hours of yesterday on the market.
There's then this pic of LinkedIn CEO thats Managing Director in British English dressed in jeans and a jumper at a recent "Bring in your parents day" can you believe that!  he has the look of the guy brought into your local garden centre to answer your gardening questions? I digress, 
So never before having understood LinkedIn before, by reading the readers comments at the bottom of the story  i now do.  If you work for LinkedIn i say - - - nice money if you can get it - - - if you subscribe - - - read the comments - - - 
 Yesterday was a little grey but i think this might be the trend for the next few days anyway
I didnt intend walking far and really only wanted a nosey at what the most expensive cycle path in Derbyshire was doing after seeing the intense activity through our front window recently.  The tree root in the picture caused a great deal of trouble to get out resulting in the blokes having to completely remove a fence bordering the houses 
 this bit is rather confusing, I've blogged about this before, left of the line of trees had been "encroached" on by the owner of a house behind the camera but the cycle path has ploughed straight through his previously used land with chickens and rabbits and children's play area.   the confusing bit is how does the cycle path cope with the sewer network under the ground in front of the camera and it also has to contend with a five bar gate just to the camera's right belonging to Peak Rail? - - -
 past the gate now and alongside the potholed track into Peak Rail the trees are being cleared for the cycle track, common sense would have dictated the use of the edge of the potholed track wouldn't it? - - - with a quizzical shake of the head i wander along the river a short distance
 the field has had time to drain a little and is for once quite firm underfoot although at the end of this field is the beginning of the root crop fields that have been used for strip feeding the sheep still look a sticky muddy prospect
 the fields on the other side of the river also look to have dried out a bit but the next few days will probably see them soggy again
 the fallen tree is still grimly hanging on to its precarious root into the bank
 and the work to do up the little wooden hut looks like its finished, i wonder what it will be used for?

Wandering home i check on the pond to find one of our own hatched fish from a few years ago on the bottom looking decidedly dead
A casualty of the unseasonally warm weather i fear, we regularly see one or maybe two fatalities in the late spring as the pond starts to "work again" and the fish start to feed after their winter shut down.  hey ho not much you can do i suppose - - -
A fantastic Netweather current pic  of the rain now falling where we are and the even bigger blob heading our way puts paid to any logging today but i still might do a short local walk
pretty cool looking at the stats this morning and the breeze will be making the rain feel even colder  
 the light isn't quite up enough yet to show the clouds but its raining right now and from the forecast its looking like it might get wetter as the day progresses - - - enjoy 
UPDATE 07:30
As expected a bit of a grey weathercam pic and its still raining
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcams 

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