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Monday 29 February 2016

Migrant benefit scandal & back to the logging and book work

the Daily Express carries on the anthem from the Sunday Express in letting us all know that jobless migrants are draining our benefit system - - - another Brexit brick in the wall - - - 
900,000 retail jobs could be lost by 2025  warns this BBC story.  Online shopping and the living wage are just 2 of the long sighted reasons for this article - - - it does seem a little like looking into the crystal ball but i guess there must be something in it! - - - 
 here's a touch of irony  Nicola Sturgeon is hoping that the referendum on In/Out for the EU is a resounding IN - - - !!!! - - - 
Having had a couple of weeks away from the logging and book i really must bend the knee and "get on!"  The book will need quite a bit of work before i get it anywhere near ready for publishing due to my insisting on putting photos in the text where they are referred to so i think that will be todays task to amend the text and practice shifting the pics around.  
 The Temp was down at -3 about an hour ago but its "warming up" now 
the clear sky is evident on the weathercam with the moon clearly visible.  
This netweather display shows the huge splodge of rain which is headed our way but its looking like it will be around 18:00 before we are likely to get any precipitation - - - 
Enjoy the day
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Sunday 28 February 2016

Lots of EU woe's & A dry day for us

The Sunday Express has this story about how the EU countries are growing more sceptical about the longevity of the alliance, while this lunatic idea from Brussels is on about having a huge euro Army - - - 
Here is another reason the Brexit campaign should succeed.  The story relates how We paid out £886m to jobless and sick EU migrants living in Britain in 2013-14, goodness knows what the figure might be now! - - =========================================
Local Weather Now 
 the Temp is a cool 6.3c now but the sun is helping it look a little warmer.  It was very cold last night with the Temp just scraping below zero around 11:30
the weathercam pic is looking quite good just now.  The max Temp is not expected to get much higher before dropping to around -2 or 3 during the night 
Enjoy the day
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Saturday 27 February 2016

EU tottering & Daffs and snowdrops still going

The Express headline is all over the usual media this from the Spectator today i dont think there is any doubt now that if we "Brexit" the EU could be in trouble - - - 
 I must admit to having a "bee in my bonnet" about the way many people are glued to their mobile phones "all day" here is a video of a couple of villains on a moped snatching mobile phones from unsuspecting phonophobes! - - - 
 the daffs are still producing blooms even though they must be a little confused 
The snowdrops are looking a little jaded but none the less still going! 
 Not a bad Temp after this mornings 2c start at around 06:00.  Its quite bright now although the cloud is building 
The weathercam pic shows lots of cloud but still no chance of rain! - - - 
Enjoy the day
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Thursday 25 February 2016

The "french" spit out the dummy & we get another cold sunny day

the Express headline "had to happen!!" the French have spat out their dummy and threaten to Dump migrants on Britain if we opt out of the EU. OK how are they going to dump them if we just turn then away and send them back? 
Some interesting photos in this Sky News World Press Photo of the Year portfolio - - - 
once again the sensor is failing to report to the weather console so the emergency method comes into play with a minus 2.8 it really means it about 0.8c lol!
A nice frosty aspect on the weathercam this morning.  A sunny day is forecast with max Temps around 4c but no chance of any rain!  result!   - - - 
Enjoy the day
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Wednesday 24 February 2016

Who is prat on a zip wire Boris Johnson? & F F Freezing cold this morning

The Express ramps up its Brexit support by telling us something we already know as Migrants keep on pouring into the EU  I noticed that the Dutch are seeking a referendum about their country remaining in the EU! - - - 
great story from the BBC about "UK/EU Referendum:Who is prat on a zip wire Boris Johnson?" - - - very amusing and informative - - - 
= = = = = = = ===========
In the aftermath of Cyclone Winston the Fiji death toll rises to 42 as more outlying communities are reached, the Red Cross says the number is expected to rise - - - 
 As usual because its F F Freezing outside the sensor isnt sending the data to my console
So we'll have to make do with the weather.com current display
this garden pic clearly shows the thick frost  
this is an old outside Temp sensor which normally show 2 degrees colder than it really is but it conforms the weather.com figure of -3c
The weathercam is picking up enough light to show that its a clear sky and the thick frost on the cars will take some time to scrape off before the sun gets warm enough to do it - - - The top Temp is expected to be 6c later and theres only a 20% chance of any rain today 
Enjoy the day
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Monday 22 February 2016

Boris will get us out of the EU! & The Fiji clean up is underway

Boris seems intent in getting us out of the EU i wonder if he will?  - - -
The  Cyclone Winston clear up begins in Fiji with the deaths from the storm standing at 21  A high proportion of the houses in Fiji are made from wood so the damage to lots of them has been severe, a number of appeals for help have already been set up   - - - 
 our weather today has not been as wet as the forecast would lead us to believe it should have been.  Overnight the Temp should drop to around 2 or 3c and once the early morning cloud clears tomorrow there's a chance of some sunshine and maybe another double figure Temp 
Enjoy the day
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Sunday 21 February 2016

Where's Scotland!? & another soggy day

Interesting headline in the Express  and the story looks like the first Brexit broadside of the campaign 
Cyclone Winston  the most powerful cyclone ever to hit Fiji looks to have done its worst with waves of 40ft high and winds of 200mph at the cyclones centre.  - - -
A date for your diary is the 23rd of June 2016
The PM has, at last declared that the EU referendum on Britain's question of "IN/OUT" will take place on the 23rd of June,  I hope the Brexit campaign is successful only time will tell - - - 

This story is embarrassing/funny/interesting all in one go! English shop assistant refuses to take a Scottish £20 note, Embarrassing for the customer, the girl shop assistant didn't recognise the note and refused it,  the customer told her it was a Scottish note, she replied "where's Scotland?" funny on the one hand but once again embarrassing that the assistant for one didn't recognise the note and two didn't even know where Scotland was.  Near the bottom of the story is a quote that "At the moment Scottish and NI notes are NOT legal tender in England although English Banks are obliged to take them" - - - Interesting!  

Not a bad double figure Temp this morning and  a fair bit of rain yesterday looks to be carrying on into today
the weathercam has a cloudy aspect and looks to be bringing more rain today
Enjoy the day
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Saturday 20 February 2016

Gove joins the Brexit campaign & we look to have a soggy day

Michael Gove the Justice secretary has joined the Brexit ranks as the PM claims to have secured a 7 year "Special UK status" deal with EU leaders -- - !? 
Its the Dragon boat racing weekend in Sydney's Cockle Bay at the bottom end of Darling Harbour.  With over 3000 paddlers competing i bet its a great sight to witness 
Its also the Tomato Festival in Sydney's Botanical Gardens this weekend as well although i cant imagine how you could have a festival based around Tomato's? - - - 
 Its a little on the cool side this morning and the breeze has a bit of an edge to it!
Not a bad looking sky on the weathercam but the forecast is for rain anytime after 09:00 for the rest of the day - - - 
Enjoy the day
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Friday 19 February 2016

More EU misery for the PM & get ready fro a blustery wet weekend

The PM takes another caning over his efforts to get us a better EU deal the story lays out the weak fight he has conducted with EU leaders - - - another Brexit triumph i think - - - 
the stuff in the pic is called "hairy panic grass" by the locals in Wangaratta North East Victoria, they claim its coming from a neglected farmers paddock and its covering whole areas of the town.  As soon as they clear it up the slightest wind will blow in another load - - - great video & pics - - - 
this pic comes from Yosemite National Park in California and its a phenomenon called a Firefall   It happens when the sun highlights the waterfall coming down the El Capitan  mountain - - - 
Not a bad weather day today quite a bit of cloud late in the afternoon and a shower of rain around 17:00.  Its still very cloudy now and we are definitely in for a wet blustery weekend - - - 
 Enjoy the day
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Thursday 18 February 2016

Another Brexit triumph but will it be enough & weather machine woes

The Brexit campaign gets another boost from today's headline in the express surely enough have been done to convince UK residents its time to leave - - - 
Interesting Sky news article on Everything you wanted to know about the EU "here" 
Amazing footage of a diver releasing a whale shark from fishing rope that was causing it a lot of pain  - - - 
 very cold last night so the old weather data is failing to reach the console, i can see on one of my other sensors that the current Temp is only 1.7c right now 
the weathercam though is showing the sun beginning to get into the valley.  The forecast is calling for a max Temp of 6 today falling quickly once the sun sets.  Yesterdays rain looks not to be repeated today - - - 
Enjoy the day
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