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Friday 17 April 2015

UKIP's loadsa money! & still no swallows around here

A big vote of confidence for Mr Farage from the boss of the Express with a huge donation - - - Farage says the money will put his party on a par with the "big battalions" now - - - the top right banner headline features another allegation of child sex charges being dodged by a labour peer - - -

after the tedium of the "first debate" a few weeks ago we didnt even bother with this one but this Ms Sturgeon gave Mr Milliband a run for his money it would seem.  Mr Farage annoyed members of the audience and was ticked off by Dimbleby, even so he finished up 3rd in a "who performed the best & who won the debate vote" - - -

the squirrel is tucking into the peanuts for breaksfast, fingers crosssed he cant bite through this one but seesm to have lifted the lid to get at the nuts! 
 mild stats again this morning but i dont think we are "out of the woods" as far as the frost go's just yet 
the weathercam shows lots of cloud but the general opinion is that we will have some sunshine today

On the "when did i see the first swallow" front still none around locally but i did see a house martin a couple of days ago when collecting firewood from one of our stacks.  

At the Fun Factory it appears i must complete this set of shifts and one more before i go down to just doing 2 days a week, at least its something to look forwards to because by then we should be well into Spring.  
Enjoy the day
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