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Sunday 12 April 2015

Death taxes scrapped & a windy walk this morning

About time can be the only reply to Cameron's latest election smoke and mirrors, while Milliband is talking about hammering tax dodgers to provide £7.5bn into the treasury - - - as if that's ever going to happen?

 a nice Sunny windy walk down by the River this morning this is one of the narrower spots where it tends to bubble and boil 
 the Ransoms are almost ready to open their flowers you can just see a couple of blooms at the centre bottom of the pic 
 the black thorn bushes are out in flower just now and looking pretty 
this curious Blackthorn hedge is really old and in a perfectly straight line in the middle of a field.  The only explanation we can come up with is on very old maps there used to be a track way down to Matlock along here.
one of the Robins is enjoying the new feeding location 
 nice stats this morning but there's a little bite of a chill out in the wind 
great looking sky on the weathercam but the forecasters are not promising anything but rain this afternoon
Enjoy the day
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