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Thursday 16 April 2015

Blossom on the plum tree - - stay away frost!

rather dull news along with the weather today! lol

 mild stats today 
lots of cloud making things look a little grey just now but with the prospect of a little sunshine later 

the blossom is appearing on the plum tree at the top of the garden now so we are hoping the frosts stay away until the flowers have finished.  The cloudy conditions help! The apple trees in the garden look to be a few days away from showing us their blossom but the warm weather is moving everything along at a furious pace! - - - 
The new wood shed is now full and i have started to sort the old one to change it into a shed.  I was thinking of making shelving but an IKEA version looks like it might be a better idea! 

Back to the fun factory today ho hum! 

Enjoy the day
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