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Tuesday 7 April 2015

Exercise is good for you!? & nine ladies walk this morning

Cant seem to find a copy of the front page but  the main story in the Express seems about right and is stating the obvious  about "Brisk exercise slashes risk of an early death.  Mind you i remember in the 80's was it?  the "inventor of jogging, an American , died while out jogging - - - "be careful out there"

I worked Sunday as i mentioned yesterday and in swapping all the Easter Stuff for Gardening stuff i noticed a number of these "Solar garden lights" I was so taken with "100 Solar String Lights by Sainsbury's" asked Sally to buy some on her visit yesterday
Ok not a dazzling display just draped on the pergola to see how they would perform especially as its getting light now but they have been on "all night"!  definitely a good buy!!!! there's a "Flash" setting as well must try that tonight - - -

On the Exercise theme from above I had better get "some" myself - - - i have convinced an old friend from my Hereford days to come up in May and we are going to drive up to the lakes and walk up Scafell Pike
its a cracking walk and one from the Wainwright walks, mind you what bit of the Lakes isn't!  I digress - - "exercise" so its off early this morning to see the nine ladies 
 cool stats but a clear sky  
the moon is still evident and it might be a nice day again if the clouds stay away 

Work Social Media Policy
I have been "reminded" that at work there is a Social media policy which (quite correctly) restricts comments about what can or cannot be broadcast on "social media"
It is with regret therefore that my blog will no longer contain any amusing anecdotes from "the shop". 
Thanks to all the readers who have commented since 2008 about "the shop" stories.  

Enjoy the day
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1 comment:

  1. With regard to your finishing your Sainsbugs stories. Granted in those days I did not have a computer, but regularly used to write letters in the local press about my employers, ( The local Council))wasting of taxpayers money. I was dragged up to the 'Top Knobs' in their bastions of power. Basically if my comments were true and not slanderous they could not do a thing about it, and to their annoyance I kept writing!
