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Saturday 11 April 2015

Lib Dem feminist champion-oh dear! & bad news - good news

Cant find the Express front page again but the Mail has this story about why Camilla shouldn't be Queen.  Apparently only 43% think she should - - -

A Lib Dem so called defender of Feminism has been "exposed" as "slightly less than discreet" when he's out on the town, the pics of him at his "private sessions" in a London strip club will do nothing for his political career. - - - all part of the election build up i suppose! - - -

This amusing pic of a Rat looks as if its climbing up between the rubbish bins in New York, i wonder what its doing?  - - - just another demonstration of that old saying "you are never more than 12ft from a rat! - - -

This is what can happen when someone dumps what are described as koi-goldfish in a pond.  This pond in Boulder Colorado has around 3 to 4k of the fish now living in it.  Fish biologists and Scientists are worried that if the koi get into the main water sources that they will then compete with native species.  There are some interesting options open stunning them with electricity and draining the lake! - - -


Its a case of bad news good news nearer to home.  My Number One Daughter (the elder) is going through the mill at the moment her Mum has died in the last couple of days and she is having to cope with all that.  RIP Deirdre.
On the good news side, through my book and 2 other ex squaddies I have been put in touch with someone I last saw around 61 years ago when i first joined the Army as a boy soldier.
the bloke at left in the group 
Having had an Op on my right thumb last year its now time to let the surgeon have a go at my left hand 
My index finger is being pulled to the right and the little finger is curling over in typical Dupuytrens-contracture my palm also has a number of lumps in it.  The consultation isn't until June so i guess it will be around September before i get it sorted at the Pulvertaft hand centre of Derby Hospital

I did nine ladies local walk yesterday and tried a new route
 the tower is just in front of the nine ladies stone circle and the new route is to the tower by the most direct route
 the tower is just visible to the left of centre and its a very steep climb 
 gaining the ridge its just a case of climbing the stile and walking up to the circle 
there's actually a woman sat in the middle of the circle "meditating"  

The little job of moving the birdfeeders took longer than i thought, don't all 5 minute jobs! the new location gives a good view but i might adjust the sunflower feeder a little 
having them here makes it easier to fill them and any seeds dropping on the ground hopefully wont fall onto plants in the garden which they did before
didn't take the squirrel long to suss out the new location! 
LM offered me the warm breakfast option earlier which i declined but he seemed to enjoy most of it! - - - 

 warm stats this morning but as little breezy with it
the weathercam show some good looking clouds and a light rain is falling just now.  Definitely a day fro inserting more pics in the book! - - - 
Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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