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Monday 6 April 2015

70F! on its way & mist in the valley

Fingers crossed that the Express might be correct in this opinion - - -

Yemen seems to be hotting up! you can put money on their neighbour Oman, on the right of this map will already have put more men on their western border! - - -

Having not booked Easter Sunday off from the Fun Factory i was one of half a dozen who had to work yesterday.  The shop was closed but we had a constant stream of people phoning to ask if we were open and others coming up to the door to try and get in.  After sorting my own patch i helped others get rid of all the Easter promotion stuff and refill a load of shelves with garden and BBQ items.  Note to self - - - don't forget to book it off next time - - -
cold stats this morning but no sign of a frost in and around the garden 
this was a shot from the weathercam about 10 minutes ago with just a little mist in the valley 
the shot right now has the mist moving up the valley and hiding the hills 
Enjoy the day
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