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Tuesday 28 April 2015

Chines grow wine vines & Shed conversion near complete

The Express is once again on its health crusade with a story  about how Chori snack bars can help people with diabetes.  There's a fair bit of data in the story to make it believable and if you google "chori bar", well just try it - - -

It had to happen! The Chinese have the second largest wine growing area in the world  - - - well they seem to make everything else so why not.  Interesting to note that between the vines in the pic there appears to be something else growing - - -

The lambs are in the fields and swallows and house martins are in the skies but the Mail reports the Arctic Blast will be with us for some time to come - - -

 Sally's early morning walk pic yesterday confirms the story above with a very frosty meadow, the sun soon put paid to the frost though 
 we had planned a Ladybower reservoir walk and arrived there just before 09:00 
 strolling along at the beginning in the early morning sunshine it was quite cold 
 a squirrel is out in the sunshine looking for breakfast 
 the moss covered stone in the foreground come from the remains of Derwent village which was covered when the reservoir dams were constructed in the 1940's.  
 stunning views as the sun gets a little higher 
 half way round now and crossing the snake pass road bridge where the village of Ashopton once stood
 well on the way back to the start point 
 I had passed this old guy on crutches not long after starting the walk he must be on his 4th mile of the 6 around the reservoir by now - - - tough or what! 
Sally spots me just before the car park - - - great walk 

It was time to put a door on our "new shed" i was going to make one but realised it would be easier just to use a thick plywood board because it isn't going to get wet under the plastic roof 
I had a big piece cut down at B&Q and had it hung after the usual messing about.  I then noticed it had started to de laminate on one edge.  A quick squirt of some adhesive and everything is fine, I'll be moving more stuff down from the old shed soon  

Enjoy the day
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