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Thursday 30 April 2015

3 word addresses? & great Kinder walk

Interesting story  but the headline should be followed by "try all the miracle cures the Express headlines suggest" - - -

have a look at this 3 word technology idea of giving every home one proper address! - - -

This BBC story relates the  birth of weather forecasting in the early 19th century, it was all to do with sailing back then in the hope of producing better wind charts at sea. The pic at left has a description of "Early weather prediction using frogs", maybe we should go back to that - - -
 yesterday even though it was raining when i left home i had a great walk around Kinder Scout on some routes i had not done before and some not visited for years.  It was a little cold and blustery but for the most part the sun shone 
 i tried out my latest walking gizmo with reasonable results 
 not bad stats this morning 
This was the weathercam around 17:00 yesterday 
this morning's view has thicker cloud cover.  The forecasters cant decide how much or if it will rain today. 

Enjoy the day
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Wednesday 29 April 2015

Mr Milli(br)and puts foot in mouth & rainy morning here

the election rhetoric drones on with Mr Cameron telling us there will be a freeze on VAT and income tax, and a banner headline telling us that UKIPclaim the SNP is racist towards the English no surprise there then - - - 

with the Nepal earthquake death toll rising this BBC story  relates how a climber just reaching camp 1 on Everest saw the drama unfold - - -

 Another bit of electioneering on the part of Labour but Mr Milliband looks to have had a touch of foot in mouth disease !  the headline in the Mail reads "Do you really want this clown leading us? and we don't mean the one on the left". - - -

 its a rainy set of stats this morning 
Moderate rainfall on the weathercam pic with a large blob of cloud still to come on the radar 

Enjoy the day
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Tuesday 28 April 2015

Chines grow wine vines & Shed conversion near complete

The Express is once again on its health crusade with a story  about how Chori snack bars can help people with diabetes.  There's a fair bit of data in the story to make it believable and if you google "chori bar", well just try it - - -

It had to happen! The Chinese have the second largest wine growing area in the world  - - - well they seem to make everything else so why not.  Interesting to note that between the vines in the pic there appears to be something else growing - - -

The lambs are in the fields and swallows and house martins are in the skies but the Mail reports the Arctic Blast will be with us for some time to come - - -

 Sally's early morning walk pic yesterday confirms the story above with a very frosty meadow, the sun soon put paid to the frost though 
 we had planned a Ladybower reservoir walk and arrived there just before 09:00 
 strolling along at the beginning in the early morning sunshine it was quite cold 
 a squirrel is out in the sunshine looking for breakfast 
 the moss covered stone in the foreground come from the remains of Derwent village which was covered when the reservoir dams were constructed in the 1940's.  
 stunning views as the sun gets a little higher 
 half way round now and crossing the snake pass road bridge where the village of Ashopton once stood
 well on the way back to the start point 
 I had passed this old guy on crutches not long after starting the walk he must be on his 4th mile of the 6 around the reservoir by now - - - tough or what! 
Sally spots me just before the car park - - - great walk 

It was time to put a door on our "new shed" i was going to make one but realised it would be easier just to use a thick plywood board because it isn't going to get wet under the plastic roof 
I had a big piece cut down at B&Q and had it hung after the usual messing about.  I then noticed it had started to de laminate on one edge.  A quick squirt of some adhesive and everything is fine, I'll be moving more stuff down from the old shed soon  

Enjoy the day
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Monday 27 April 2015

Eat your Broccoli & blooms in abundance

Quite a bit of coverage concerning the huge earthquake in Nepal this morning Sky News carries this story along with a number of short videos.  The Everest base camp is hit and the story relates that a number of sherpas & climbers are stuck on the mountain between camps and suffering from Altitude sickness.  Another video shows the tremors in the city, casualties now number 3000+- - - all scary stuff - - -

Eat your Broccoli  to relieve arthritis, this Mail story, the Express missed this one, has good data to support the fact that even a synthetic version of a chemical called sulforadex found in Broccoli can help reduce inflammation caused by Arthritis.  A US study has found it also helps protect against oral cancer - - -

Another healthy story from The Mail online has interesting facts about dehydration, too much too little, tap versus bottle, still against fizzy.  Funny comments by readers at the bottom - - -

 stunning pics from my Round Robin walk the other day 
 the water trough looks inviting 
although this pic from February tells a different story 
 the bluebells are carpeting the woods 
 the dandelions are filling the meadows now 
 while the ransoms still haven't shown their full carpet of white flowers 
on a trip over near Worksop we see the Rape seed in full flower, the difference once you cross the M1 to the arable land area is quite evident from the Peak District hilly pasture land 
Enjoy the day
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Sunday 26 April 2015

Nepal earthquake & shed work

The express carries Mr Cameron's plea to convince voters to vote Tory, with the headline 11 Days To Save Britain  so that he can carry out his promise to "deliver on homes, jobs, family security and dignity in retirement - - -

 The frantic rescue attempts of people in Nepal are in evidence on many news media today with news of the worst earthquake in more than 80 years, many more than the reported 1800 dead are expected - - -

The Earthquake also hit sherpa's and climbers on Everest with 18 reported dead on the mountain - - - -

 with the forecast rain holding off i had time to construct some storage in the old wood shed on its way to being a garden shed 
just the door left to make  
 feeling quite cold today after the warm temps of yesterday 
some overnight rain but the weathercam pic looks good and the forecast is for a sunny day
nothing like a breakfast on the sun terrace! 
Enjoy the day
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Saturday 25 April 2015

Mushroom cure for Arthritis & a wood moving day

A mushroom cure for Arthritis is all over the Express this morning,  the rare fungus from Tibet has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries - - - A team working on the project say "it could provide an effective treatment within 10 years" - - -

Here's another angle on the recent Chile volcano eruption, a hiker is videoing the mountain seconds before it erupts he has the sense to drop everything and run - - - great video - - -

 With the good dry weather i was able to get down the hill to the latest logging site.  Here I', stopping to clear away the hanging hawthorn bush branches which have grown over since last year.  Boris sits alongside a Blackthorn hedge in full bloom 
 the pile of wood under the sheeting has only a little area where the weather has got in so no damage there.  The idea will be to move up some of it up to the top track and replace the wood i'm currently taking back to the cottage for next winter.  I'm here to reduce some of the pile in the open to firewood today
 an hour later and half of it is done, i have a much bigger pile further down the hill, i muse that it might be the end of May before i get to fell any trees! - - -
 back home the first load transferred makes a 2ft addition in the foreground 
a further load adds a couple more feet, i think one more might do it and we are then set for the winter 
LM joins in the unloading of the wood and displays his sore foot by holding it off the top of the van.  It appears to be healing by itself but we are keeping a close eye on it 
 Nice mild temp this morning but the barometer has been falling for some time now
the weathercam shows the cloud this morning.  Forecasters have it raining any time after 09:00

Enjoy the day
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