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Saturday 30 August 2014

Disturbing headlines & Do we have an intruder?

The express main headline follows many a story in the media about attacks in the UK from the ISIS Jihadi movement.  Not directly related but for those who remember the MP Enoch Powell and his supposed Rivers of blood speech" back in the 60's.  It has some spooky connection to what is happening in UK just now.  A lot of people at the time branded him a bit of a loony for making the speech - - - Mmmmm - - -

Will it blow - has it blown - is it over?   Its the saga of the Icelandic volcano that the media have been covering.
The Sky News Story  timed at 2:01pm, how precise! yesterday had all the airlines on "ash cloud alert" while the The BBC Story  timed at 22:23 had it all over bar the shouting.  Makes you wonder who the various media outlets are talking to for the information.  - - -

I never knew the old 1957 film "Bridge on the River Kwai" about the British WWII prisoners of war building a railway in Burma was made in Sri Lanka
The story relates how locals close to the film location of the famous railway bridge blown up in the film are up in arms.  The Sri Lankan electricity board want to dam the river which might effect the local tourist industry income from the film location and its white water rafting activities.  "The Authorities" are planning to rebuild the bridge within the next 2 years to promote ther local tourist industry - - -

Closer to home 
Our IR intruder device to protect "Boris" keeps picking up something moving around behind the terrace in the middle of the night.  It cant be an animal unless its 4ft tall!  I've checked both with a torch and creeping about in the dark myself but who/what ever it is must hear me coming.  Methinks its time to install a night vision security device! - - -

After checking when to prune a wayward hawthorn bush yesterday i set to on what was just a stump at the beginning
of the year.  It used to a huge tree with long gangly arms waving about perilously in the wind which was one of the reasons for cutting it down.  We had ideas on digging it up if we killed it but are now hoping it will not get out of control and might in the end be a new birdfeeder cam location.
We replaced the step up into the shed on the recently modified pergola.  The step also makes a handy seating place.  It will be nice to sit there with your back to the shed gazing at the view of next doors "Berlin Wall" fence - - -
I was checking one of our cameras yesterday and the view across the valley was particularly stunning dont you think! - - -
After our labours later though we settled down to have a small tipple and some light rain came along to spoil the show but Sally's "Norfolk" sun brolly saved the day - - -
More work in the garden today clearing away our various tree pruning's and bountious pea vines before lunching at The Grouse - - - looks like the sun brolly might once again be handy to keep the forecasted afternoon rain off us.

Enjoy the day
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