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Tuesday 19 August 2014

Common sense? maybe not & looking like a logging morning

You kind of imagine that the people you see parading around in Police uniform on our streets are "the good guys".  This story covers Social media breaches which shows they are "just like us", or in the cases mentioned "Just plain dumb".
The story has a number of examples of gaffs on Facebook by officers which have lead to them getting the sack.  The standard one liner from a top plod at the foot of the story sums it up, "there is no place in policing for officers who abuse the trust placed in us by the public"  - - - especially if they are dumb enough to put their grievances on Facebook! - - - 

The Icelandic volcanoes are making the the news again  The pic by the way is from the 2010 eruption of Eviafjallajokull, try saying that after a couple of beers, which caused extensive airline disruption.
We were trasnsiting LA at the time and hoped for a couple of days delay but "no dice".  The latest rumblings are from a volcano called Bardarbunga which has had its strongest awakwing since 1996.  A "Met Office Seismologist" came out with a "gem" when asked about any disruptive ash cloud on the scale of the 2010 event.  One of the factors he explained would be "how high any ash from the volcano would be thrown" I think that's called "expert analysis" - - -

There's an award for the best one liner at the Edinburgh's Festival Fringe  which has been won by a previous victor.  Follow the link above to see it - - - amusing - - -

Closer to Home
Number 1 Daughter the elder informs me that she and her husband whilst picking plums noticed a "thing" and on picking it up realised that it was a Hawk moth caterpillar which featured in yesterdays blog - - coincidence or what! - - -

Using some of the slate we brought back from the Lakes trip the other day we set to and finished off the path to the very top of the garden - - - rustic or what! - - - 
Sainsbury returned a couple of times during the night with his "prizes" who's "leftovers" were liberally strewn around the house this morning.  After having the usual cat food for breakfast he went out and returned with this poor creature proving "there's nothing like a hot breakfast!" - - - 

This mornings garden pic has all the hallmarks of a logging morning!  I have been neglecting it lately having been busy with the pergola lowering project which is now complete - - - to the woods!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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