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Tuesday 5 August 2014

WWI & painting the frames

Its strange to think that yesterday was the centenary of the start of WWI
Most newspapers carry pics of the various remembrance  events.

 It was meant to be "the war to end all wars" pity it wasn't - - -

In Calais the migrants are apparently fighting amongst themselves
Eritrean and Sudanese migrants had a go at each other, it seems they are "rivals" back home.  To get rid of "their" problem the Calais immigration chief is suggesting they buy the migrants ferry tickets so that they then become our problem - - -

A vandal has desecrated a sacred site in the US
by daubing "I love Miranda" all over it. The Salish Native Americans have been using the site for 1000's of years - - - rather an inappropriate and insensitive way to express their love! - - -

 Closer to home
Yesterday I spent an hour or 2 logging although at the moment I'm clearing such small trees that most of them go straight onto the brashing bonfire pile.  I'm approaching quite a substantial tree which will make up for this type[e of work soon.
The afternoon turned out to be quite warm without much breeze so it was painting time for me
I like to add another coat to the window frames because they get a real battering form the weather especially in the winter.  Over the years we have replaced the odd bit of frame but it seems to be holding up ok of late
Sainsbury does a good job of chasing away the jackdaws this morning
while the sun is already on the other side of the valley.

Enjoy the day
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