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Thursday 14 August 2014

Clocks debate joins Scottish independence - Customers!

This sounds like a strange item to bring into the Scottish Independence debate
 but here it is.  Its been suggested that if Scotland cut loose from the Union that we have BST (British Summer Time), wait a minute though, if Scotland go it will be EST (English Summertime no?) Anyway the idea is that we have BST all winter then double British Summertime.  The idea was tried and discounted in the late 60's because of Scottish objections - - -

2 Lancaster Bombers from WWII took to the skies yesterday
they are the only 2 left flying and the secopnd one is from Canada.  They will be doing a month of fly pasts around the UK so we might get to see them if they do the Derwent Dams or Chatsworth fly pasts - - -

Down at the Fun Factory
Its not often we get people walking around the shop that almost everyone will stop to look at. We have one bloke who always wears green walking gear with the boots and rucksack, including a hat and gloves and i  dont think anyone gives him a second look. Today though brought us 2 customers who turned most heads.  Th first one was a lady dressed in what you could only call "old fashioned hippy gear, sandals and all.  Her head was completely shaved except for what appeared to be a pigtail in a cotton sheath that went all the way down to her feet!
The second was a woman about 35 years old pushing a buggy.  Nothing unusual in that except that in the buggy was a life sized (2 year old) doll with a large sticking plaster on its forehead.  The woman didn't appear "odd" or anything like that but everyone she passed just looked at her wondering what was going on - - -

The usual grumpy customer came to our rescue though bringing us down to earth by demanding "You have no morning rolls" pointing at the usual crop of in-store bakery rolls.   Not knowing what she was after I asked a baker and received a rather blank look.  "You have them in Ripley" she announced, a statement to which i normally remind people that they are currently in Matlock.  The woman though by now has a face like a "Bulldog chewing on a wasp" so I decide not go there.
I was about to attempt to illicit more information about her "morning roll" when she turns on her heal and go's off the only word i hear is "idiots" so I say loudly. "Thankyou and have a nice day" which amuses another customer waiting to speak to me.  After some investigation we discover that a "morning roll" is made by Sainsbury's but only for Scottish stores - - - never knew Ripley was in Scotland? - - -

Closer to home
We finally finish off the job of making our pergola "acceptable" to the local planning bod by making the once "high" half the same level as the lower.
  It was a case of stripping it all down to the original frame lowering it in line with the half nearest to the camera, chain sawing all the posts down and re-assembling
putting it all back together now
Sally positioned the screws in the holes and I went along driving them in.
Its quite good really because we now have one large area to sit on rather than the 2 it represented before.  Still no idea who raised concerns about the height of the pergola with the planning bod but they might have done us a favour - - -
An added bonus was that the butterflies were all over the Budhleia bush which overhangs part of the decking, this is a Red Admiral a rare visitor to the garden pity it wasn't opening its wings
Although this Peacock was on full display

Sainsbury the tabby cat affectionately know as "Little man"
    seen here trying to get to grips with Windows 8 by sitting on Sally's computer keyboard has brought in yet another Robin so his tally this year is up to 3.  He appears to be going through a "bird" catching phase but normally gets them after dark - - - very strange that they should be on the ground then though - - -
Its a day up in the Lake District for us today and Lunch with No 1 daughter to boot! We had ideas of locking "Little Man" in but he managed to escape earlier by head butting the back bedroom window open.  He has returned though as he does after he caught a mouse so all is well! - - - Except for the poor mouse of course
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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