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Friday 22 August 2014

Nice lawn we'll have that & In store showers!

Rather a poor pic but the Video in this link is quite clear.  2 Thieves walk up and roll & fold a newly laid lawn and carry it presumably to a vehicle out of shot - - - cheek!!! - - -

Middle lane hogging  on the Motorways has been an offence for almost 12 months now and it looks to have been almost a bit of a waste of time.  This story claims its still going on in a big way and the Department of Transport don't have any figures to confirm or deny its effectiveness. - - - looks like another waste of time! - - -

Global warming : this story indicates its on a "slowdown" and that the trend could last 10 years.  The latest bit of Crystal ball gazing by the boffins attempt to convince us that its all to do with Atlantic Ocean Currents.  I find it all a bit strange that they are saying what might happen in 10 years time and they find it difficult to predict accurately what's the weather is going to be next week! - - -

Closer to home
We have contacted the planning bod who visited us recently to let us know our fence and pergola structures were too high.  We have completed all the modifications and await hopefully his "rubber stamp" of official approval.
Conversely it turns out our neighbour with "The Berlin Wall" has decreed that "he knows the planning laws" and the planning bod has measured his fence in the wrong place.  He has apparently also stated that he is not going to modify his fence until he completes some kind patio in front of it!
Given his record of completing any job I would put money on him falling foul of the planning bods rules and patience which could lead to big problems.  I do love the folly of the ignorant! - - - 

Down at the Fun Factory its been a trying time because the place is abuzz with preparation for some big wig visit over the weekend.
One light hearted moment I uncovered though!
 I noticed this large black container on a shelf above a display of frying pans with a notice on it which says, "Please do not touch"

Tracking down one of the colleagues in that department, "lets call her Hannah" she giggled and told me the tale.

The container had been there for a while without the notice on catching drips of water from a leak in the roof! - - - OK! you can see what's coming cant you!!

A lady was looking at the frying pans on the shelf below and thinking the container had more pans in it she reached up grabbed the top edge and pulled at it.  The container was about half full of rainwater and she got the lot all over her head!

After a large helping of apologies and an even larger bouquet of flowers the soggy customer was sent on her way.  I was tempted to scribble "in store shower" on the bottom of the notice but decided it wouldn't be a good idea.

Number 1 daughter (the elder) has visited the local cat rescue and reserved 2 female black kittens.  She will get them when they are 13 weeks old and is wondering about names.
Her only warning was,  "forget Aldi & Morrisons!", obviously pointing at our 2, Tesco & Sainsbury.  We suggested "sooty & Sweep", "Mack and Mabel", "Marmite & Bovril", "Guinness & Stout, and "Poppy and Tulip" .

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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