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Monday 18 August 2014

The end of the world! & I'm in touch

Its the End of the world but this time its official! so says the Metro story

A date for the diary then is 16th March 2880!  "Scientists are confident" that with 35 generations to go before impact "disaster can be averted"
You have to laugh about the date prediction, the weatherman cant say for certain what weather we are going to get this afternoon but we can predict the "end of the world" to the exact day - - -

The "Idiot of the week" award has to go to a man throwing a grenade  he found on an Essex beach for his dog to retrieve - - -

The Express explores fantasy land with its headlines about "Welfare squads" targeting benefit scroungers - - -

Closer to home 
The garden features heavily
One of our resident squirrels performing its usual acrobatics to steal the peanuts
we finally finish the pergola lowering exercise and just scrape into the legal measurements for the structure
The garden is looking great but the weatherman is predicting the possibility of frost in the next few day!
a bit of weeding reveals a large Hawk Moth caterpillar
We see a Red Admiral butterfly yesterday and it visits the Buddleia up by the shed quite regularly now

And finally, after many years of being out of touch with my 2 daughters, "I'm in touch". In the space of a couple of weeks I have lunch with one and am in touch on Facebook with the other.
So I now have 2 Number 1 daughters! to blog about, Daughter Number 1 the elder & Daughter No 1 the younger - - - Its a funny old game! - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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