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Wednesday 20 August 2014

Randy the Guinea pig! & a burning day

The male guinea pig being held by the girl is called Randy which is rather appropriate because he appears to have broken into a female compound and mated with 100 of them.  This happened back in June and now his offspring are wowing visitors to Country World - - -

The mystery of Malaysian Airlines flight 370 has not been resolved but the 2 blokes in the pic have written a book indicating that the plane was landed on the ocean by the veteran pilot.  This, they say was done after the emergency oxygen masks had been deployed and the 20 minutes of supply had run out causing death by hypoxia - - - Its a theory that was bandied about some time ago and sounds plausible.  The search for the plane apparently go's on - - -

The Express Front Page Editor puts its "Ash Cloud Hell" top right while a benefit scrounger sits top left.  The "news" that our house prices have risen by a staggering £23k without us knowing it takes centre stage! - - -

Closer to home 
I managed a few hours logging in the morning yesterday just cutting up some boughs I had previously felled.  The day was breezy so I decided to try burning the 3 piles of brashings I had accumulated over the past few weeks
The 3 piles can be seen in the pic the one burning dropped a few embers on the plastic covering the woodpile but didn't cause any holes large enough to be concerned about - - - nice pic of the clouds
The last pile go's up with the next bit of forest due for felling in the background.

I also managed to change the cooling fan on my Chinese netbook.  I had tried running the birdfeeder cam etc on it but the bearings in the fan gave out and it was making some desperate noises.  Cost of fan? a princely sum of £3.95 post free! - - -

Its back to the Fun Factory tomorrow for a series of shifts so a "casual relaxing day today!" for me - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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