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Saturday 2 August 2014

Excuse me sir pull over! & mists of Autumn fruitfulness?

Why oh why?
The question has to be asked on this Metro story why would anyone take a mobility scooter on the M1 near Junction 32?  -- -
Funny video shot from a passing vehicle though - - -

America: so fond of pointing the finger on "human rights"
has Obama admitting "We tortured some folks"   The story relates to the aftermath of the Twin Towers attack

Two "gems" in the story
1. Obama says Americans should not be too "sanctimonious" in retrospect - - -
2. Obama says he had full confidence in CIA chief John Brennan. - - - sounds like political speak for he could lose his job - - -

The Daily Mail this morning carries what can only be decsribed as a "Hoary old Chestnut"

Altogether now "Tell me the old old story" .  The parking bullies feature whenever its a slack news day! - - -

The Express continues the "slack news" theory informing us of the Sky News story about the end of our hot weather period.  It does look like we might be in for a period of very wet weather over the nexct few days though - - -

Closer to home
After attempting to stave off the death of a diseased fish in the pond and being pleased with the results Sally spots a "Dead un".  Not the one that we had been treating though.

The bad weather upon us could have been more readily predicted - - - Sally bought a garden brolly on her trip to Norfolk the other day.  We erected it, in the rain! yesterday and it does look rather splendid.  Lets hope we manage to use it soon - - - (it can be seen furled in the pic below)

This mornings pic from the top of the garden
looks to be pointing at what's in store for us for the rest of the day

Flicking through our pics, as you do sometimes I came across this one of Sainsbury in the fridge
This was taken in Nov 2011 so its not as if he's needing to cool off!  You can just see old Toms ears in the bottom left of the shot.  For some reason the cat flap was blocked and he looks to be trying to figure out why

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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