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Tuesday 21 July 2015

MP's Benefit "confusion" & Mother Nature warns us about El Nino !

Stating the obvious the headline is followed up by facts on which group of migrants is claiming what Its a staggering list of data.  The text is put together by Migrant Watch never knew they existed? from a gov.uk survey here's hoping some sensible course of action comes from the story.  The banner headline on the left sounds a bit of a generalisation while the one on the right about sugar in food is a talking point "all over" at the moment! 
In Parliament yesterday though even after being told to support the Gov's £12bn welfare cuts 48 Labour MP's rebelled and voted against the bill - - - something about Benefit "confusion" and not seeing the "big picture" would be an appropriate comment methinks 
With the weathermen in doubt yesterday over "yes it will rain No it wont. I decided on a short walk down the fields and back up the river 
 Sally mentioned these Hazel nuts from her morning walk and they look to be well on their way to ripening.  Its quite early in the season. i wonder if Mother Nature knows about the coming El Nino 
walking onto the fields i could see the rain to the South in the distance 
 10 minutes later and only the merest hint of a shower where i am but looking North West the rain is already on the bit i have just walked over  
 reaching the River Derwent the rain is now evident and splashing on its surface 
 I came across this dead young Badger right on the river bank.  It didn't look to have been attacked so i had no idea why it was dead 
 upstream i spotted this angler but while watching him a few moments he didn't catch anything 
 the Yellow Wagtail on the other side of the river had more luck than the angler, busy catching flies
the river is really low at the moment because the rocks in the shot are mostly covered by water 

with the rain blowing away i have a last look across to the West before returning home
 nice and warm this morning although the Bar. Trends is down indicating rain 
the weathercam shows the brighter side of the local forecast at the moment.  "Experts" are divided not about if it will rain but "when".  Some say morning others afternoon - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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