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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Dentist in pain! & Time to scratch an itch

More EU bluster on the front of the Express this morning reporting in a "shock poll" of 5000 people, allegedly "the biggest detailed study of people on Europe for years".  Reports that we want drastic changes or out of the EU - - - 
Walt Palmer, "big game hunter" on the left faces prosecution along with several "professional guides" for killing the lion in the pic .  Theres a gallery of pics showing "Walt" with previous kills in the story.  There's a bit of "pain" for "walt" though as Facebook fans attempt to put him out of business citing not only his hunting ability but an alleged sexual harassment complaint in 2009 - - - 
"When red light shows wait here" the dreaded sign indicating "Temporary Traffic Lights"  which is a common enough sight on the roads but how many are for "work on the road".  Travelling to see my "big sis" yesterday we had already endured one set just after Chatsworth when in the space of a mile in and around Stoney Middleton we encountered 3 more.  I do like a rant about the ones when holes are in the pavement but traffic lights are put up for "health and safety" reasons, however the set outside a new build house took the biscuit!  The hole appeared to be in not the pavement but the other side of a wall in what will eventually be the front garden of the house!?!?!?!?!? - - - A further contraflow in Stockport for re-surfacing where, on our return trip workmen were are rare as hens teeth kind of "made my day" - - - 
 My walking "itch" needs a good scratch so i'm spending the afternoon packing up the old van Cyril to sample the delights of the Borrowdale valley tomorrow. The weather forecast is 50/50 at the moment but hey! you dont go to the Lake District and not expect to get wet! 
I'm intending to follow a route that will take in Glarama - Sacfell Pike - Great Gable - Green Gable then back down Sour Milk Gill to Seathwaite camp-site - - - any takers meet at the camp-site 06:00 - - - lol  
Feeling cool outside in the 10c at the moment and the rain in last 24hrs doesn't reflect the downpours we encountered on our trip out yesterday 

not a bad pic on the weathercam just now and the forecasters are indicating some rain today but until mid afternoon 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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