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Wednesday 15 July 2015

Calais migrant problem gets bigger & some work in the garden

8000 migrants caught in 3 weeks  proclaims the headline and in the text to the story is a plan to build a "safe area" for 230 lorries at Calais to stop migrants hiding in and on vehicles - - - it wont be ready until the Atumn - - - 
This long range forecast  appears to support or maybe the source for the optimistic approach to forecasters hinting there maybe another "heatwave" on its way at the beginning of August 

In the garden everything is growing well 
 the squashes continue to flourish in the grow bags 
 with the courgette flowers looking particularly good  
 some of the courgettes are quite big, this one is just on its way 
 we determined that some weeding would get done yesterday but it turned into a moving round of a lot of the pots on the lower terrace, later in the year we are aiming to move the planter in front of the greenhouse
the grey skies at our lunch spot did brighten a little by the time we had eaten yesterday 
 just a hint of some overnight rain on the Iris in the foreground this morning
Mr Squirrel joins us for his breakfast 
 feeding the fish and birds earlier it was quite cool but the Temp is almost 15c already 
A very grey outlook on the weathercam but with the forecasters optimistic it will be a dry and sunny day later 
Enjoy the day 
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