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Thursday 23 July 2015

Another cure for Alzheimers & A blue sky morning

"And the miracle cures just keep on coming" - - - must be a slack news day because i think this has already been aired  recently 
the pic is of an Emperor Butterfly  which in the UK are as rare as hens teeth apparently - - - the creature eats rotting flesh and other "delectables" and is difficult to find.  If you grab your butterfly net now and sprint off to the woods you might just spot one but be quick they will all be dead by the end of July. 
 Google "Timeline" app which can, if you are that way inclined give away your every move !  "cool!" for some "embarrassing" for others no doubt - - - 
The logging yesterday was particularly humid 
 i had to sort out the remaining branches from the last large tree on this hillside 
 but first tackled the rounds by the woodpile 
 so there we are just the brashings to burn in Autumn and time to move on 
viewed from the other end i still have a few rounds to finish off and then after my next bout of "alternative activity" the tree in the left of the pic will be next - - - 
 feeling a little cool out with the 11c this morning
the weathercam looks great this morning after the grey skies of late. Forecasters are indicating a fine day with just the merest hint of  a shower during daylight 

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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