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Saturday 4 July 2015

Budget boost! & overnight thunderstorm

The Express claims a "victory" in its crusade to get inheritance tax increased in the budget next week - - - thank goodness for that! - - - 

As predicted in the Express headline yesterday "heatwave to trigger storms" and last night proved the story true
pics like the one above are plentiful in the media this morning and i managed to get one myself around 03:00 after being woken by the thunder earlier 

i triggered the movement sensor in one of our garden cameras and as the lightening lit up the sky it snapped this amazing pic.  Clicking on the pic to enlarge it shows the time stamp to be 03:11 which would normally pitch black !  The rain was hammering down and my weather station recorded almost half an inch in about 45 minutes.  
 it was an early start to the logging yesterday with 23c expected later on 
the mist is clearing by the time i get to the job and its nice and cool 
back home the lavender out in the front garden is looking great it was a candidate for removal in the winter when it looked all twiggy but it has had a reprieve at such a good show - - - 
 very warm already this morning and the humidity is high after the rain earlier 
 the weathercam shows the mist and low cloud on the top of the valley rim, the chance of rain will diminish to 5% by 12:00 
note the pile of empty sunflower husks on the tray, they are left by the squirrel as it sits there and has a feast on the kernels.  The fat ball feeder looks to have been raided by the jackdaws! - - - 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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