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Monday 20 July 2015

More Alzheimer's breakthroughs & Now that's a pond!

Another Alzheimers treatment graces the front page this morning as does the spin off from Sundays Express about HM's "salute" - - -
The pic is of a "Deep fried Mars Bar" 
but the Aberdeenshire Council say the banner outside Mrs Watsons shop selling the things "must come down for the good of the wider community"  sounds a bit of a slack day at the Council and a jobsworth idea! - - - 
some of the "more ridiculous" ways the EU is spending our money are highlighted in this story from the Mail as they lay out Bizzare aid projects funded by EU grants  .  Trapeze lessons, A Coconut study and Media and Communication support in Jamaica are just some of the "jollies" our EU money is being used for.  As usual the reader comments at the bottom of the article are priceless  - - -

With rain clouds threatening i walked my Round Robin walk yesterday
 quite blustery looking North West as i set off
and the view to the South shows the rain clouds approaching
Now thats what you call a pond!  i spotted this excavation by a public footpath which runs through the grounds of a house.  The source for the water is a hillside spring  it will be interesting to see its progress
 almost at the point where i descend back to the river and the wind and rain are coming straight at the camera here
 walking down the hill the clouds look menacing but there's a brighter bit approaching
 by the time I reach the river path the sun is out
we definitely need some rain as the river level here demonstrates - - - no doubt with school holidays approaching it wont be far away!
 the Temp is just into double figures right now
and the weathercam looks to be showing a very grey outlook at the moment.  Forecasters are not in agreement today about when its going to rain if at all! - - -
Enjoy the day 
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