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Tuesday 7 July 2015

Horrific Le Tour crash & Thoughts from the book

The Express has an article giving the rules for living longer after you are 65  Its "tell me the old old story" really though, Exercise, Don't smoke, Don't drink too much, Healthy eating and Don't be overwieght" .  In the text is a classic quote "Two decades of research lie behind the dramatic discovery" - - - - - - 

Watching the Tour de France yesterday we witnessed the horrific high speed crash of about 20 riders when it appeared one rider touched the wheel of another and went down onto the road.  The whole of the Tours first aid team were involved in the treatment so the race was stopped some way up the road. 
Some of the injuries looked serious and 3 riders abandoned the tour at the scene.  The Yellow Jersey holder Fabian Cancellara withdrew after finishing with damage to his lower back vertebrae which he injured in an earlier season crash.  Once restarted the punishing short uphill finish resulted in Chris Froome finishing second but snatching the Yellow Jersey by 1 second from Tony Martin - - -


"The book" has been uppermost in my thoughts the last few days as i have been contacting a number of old Army colleagues. I had read their articles in a recent Regimental Newsletter of a particular ferocious battle where their actions undoubtedly helped save the day and limit the casualties to 13 dead and over 20 wounded - - - a staggering number when normally casualties from contacts on our side would generally be in single figures.   
I am still in awe when i read their accounts of what they did and want to add them as Appendices to "the book" account i remember of those few days in what is now, "so long ago".  Wrestling with my thoughts this morning in an attempt to record them into the blog i came across this article in an e mail i still receive from one of those work related (irritating) motivational courses we must have all attended.  There in the e mail was this "pearl" from the Pacific Institute - - - as a scant testament to their bravery. 
Its from "The Winners Circle Network" and it's title is "The Mind Of a Survivor" 

When times get tough, some people fold and some are made even stronger. Did you ever wonder why some people seem to be able to handle life better than others? Everyone likes to think that they have what it takes to survive adversity and tough times, but when the chips are down, some folks definitely do better than others.

The real survivors in life (not the participants in the "reality" survivor TV shows that only seem to bring out the worst in human behavior) have developed personalities that allow them more options. They also have a strong and clear intention to survive, and to do it in good shape. When problems or setbacks occur, they don't waste time complaining and they don't dwell on the past or what they've lost. Instead, their energies are focused on getting things to turn out well.

Survivors believe that, no matter what happens to them, they are the ones who are in charge of their destinies. They don't get mad at the world for not treating them better. And they do have an extensive menu of behaviors they can choose from, depending on the situation. In other words, survivors are option thinkers, instead of black and white, either/or thinkers.

They also have a wonderful ability to laugh at adversity because they know that even if they lose everything else, they will still have themselves. People with survivor personalities can walk confidently into the unknown because they expect to find a way to make things work out.

So, if you want to be a true survivor, try focusing your attention less on safety and security and more on developing positive beliefs and expectations, built on a firm foundation of reinforced self-esteem.

Today's weather locally 
 very warm this morning with just a light breeze. 
the weathercam has a lead grey sky and a promise of rain to come.  Yesterdays 100% chance of rain passed us by although at one time around 17:00 the Upwind radar had us surrounded by rain indicators!  Its a similar story today from the forecaster - - - we shall see - - -
Mr Squirrel enjoying his breakfast! 
Enjoy the day 
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