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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Dentist in pain! & Time to scratch an itch

More EU bluster on the front of the Express this morning reporting in a "shock poll" of 5000 people, allegedly "the biggest detailed study of people on Europe for years".  Reports that we want drastic changes or out of the EU - - - 
Walt Palmer, "big game hunter" on the left faces prosecution along with several "professional guides" for killing the lion in the pic .  Theres a gallery of pics showing "Walt" with previous kills in the story.  There's a bit of "pain" for "walt" though as Facebook fans attempt to put him out of business citing not only his hunting ability but an alleged sexual harassment complaint in 2009 - - - 
"When red light shows wait here" the dreaded sign indicating "Temporary Traffic Lights"  which is a common enough sight on the roads but how many are for "work on the road".  Travelling to see my "big sis" yesterday we had already endured one set just after Chatsworth when in the space of a mile in and around Stoney Middleton we encountered 3 more.  I do like a rant about the ones when holes are in the pavement but traffic lights are put up for "health and safety" reasons, however the set outside a new build house took the biscuit!  The hole appeared to be in not the pavement but the other side of a wall in what will eventually be the front garden of the house!?!?!?!?!? - - - A further contraflow in Stockport for re-surfacing where, on our return trip workmen were are rare as hens teeth kind of "made my day" - - - 
 My walking "itch" needs a good scratch so i'm spending the afternoon packing up the old van Cyril to sample the delights of the Borrowdale valley tomorrow. The weather forecast is 50/50 at the moment but hey! you dont go to the Lake District and not expect to get wet! 
I'm intending to follow a route that will take in Glarama - Sacfell Pike - Great Gable - Green Gable then back down Sour Milk Gill to Seathwaite camp-site - - - any takers meet at the camp-site 06:00 - - - lol  
Feeling cool outside in the 10c at the moment and the rain in last 24hrs doesn't reflect the downpours we encountered on our trip out yesterday 

not a bad pic on the weathercam just now and the forecasters are indicating some rain today but until mid afternoon 
Enjoy the day 
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Tuesday 28 July 2015

Britain colder than Moscow & grey sky again this morning

The front page has a message that "healthy living fights dementia" - - - kind of something that makes sense but can "they" prove the theory? - - - The weather also features with a message that "Britain is colder than Moscow" - - - other media also report this here's the Daily mirror version with some great pics 
this 1960 pic of a land rover is from an attempt to travel the Pan American Highway by a small group of Cambridge graduates.  From the tip of Argentina to the Arctic circle was the goal and they were thwarted by viscous winter weather in Anchorage Alaska after 15 months travelling.  They sold the Land Rover to fund their trip home in 1961 but it is now being renovated in Alaska!!  and the surviving members look set to finish their trip! - - - great read and good pics 
spot the squirrel! 
Not a bad temp with just a hint of a breeze just now  
 clear earlier but the weathercam shows a cloudy sky in front of what the forecasters is going to be a wet and windy day - - - the forecast was way put yesterday though! - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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Monday 27 July 2015

Pensions pot swindle! & Froome/Sky win in the Paris rain

The Express carries a report about people being conned out of their pensions pots - - - 
In a wet finale the Tour de France cruised into Paris and Froome's victory was wrapped up in the first pass of the finishing line on the Champs Elysees due to the wet conditions.  The rest battled out for the sprint finish after 10 circuits and Cavendish came in 6th with Greipel once again taking the honours on this years last stage - -  
With Le Tour excitement over its back to discussing the weather  thats what we do! The current wet weather is set to stay with us but this story gives a warning of a heat wave only being 2 weeks away - - - 
The temp is a little higher than yesterday but the low Bar. reading and the recorded rain in the last 24hrs tell the story of yesterday and last nights weather - - -  
A grey pic on the weathercam this morning and the forecast is indicating the rain could be with us for at least another 36 hours 
Enjoy the day 
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Sunday 26 July 2015

Froome still in the lead & wind and rain today!

disappointment for thousands as migrants threaten to disrupt travel via Calais to the continent  stories also abound about people in doubt about holidaying in Greece because of the migrant issue there - - -
The Saudi King is shutting a beach in France because he wants a private holiday for 3 weeks.  Cant see much "Privacy" on the beach above because he has an "entourage" of 1000 people who arrived in 2 747's!  can you imagine how large his "facebook" friends list is
Bit of a "Victor Meldrew" moment here as EU judges rule that a Bulgarian Electric Company is discriminating against Roma travellers by putting their electricity meters higher than others because they keep stealing the electric!!! - - -
Le Tour = = = the battle just to get through the crowds lining the route to the top of Alpe d'Huez must have been difficult and Quintana tested the Sky team a number of times sprinting away only to be reeled in each time.  With a few k's to go though he went on ahead and managed to reduce Froomes lead time to 1m 12secs.  Froome battled on after dropping his pace man Richie Porte who did a fantastic job and finished alongside Quintanas colleague Valverde.  - - - Last stage today in Paris! - - -
 very cool temp this morning, a little earlier it was 7.0
lovely weathercam pic but the forecasters indicate the day will lapse into one of wind and rain - - -
Enjoy the day 
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Saturday 25 July 2015

Froome spitting mad! & jackdaws for breakfast

Ignoring the main headline i like the pic of the tot with the brollie although the pic of the "child" with the "Free anger stress toy" looks like he needs a smack - - - oh sorry forgot - - - off to do me porridge! - - - 
Le Tour finishes off its mountain stages to day going up the Alp d'Huez. 
Froome yesterday had a stone stick in his brake caliper on the final ascent and although he was quick to resolve it getting back to the GC group took its toll as Quintana sprinted off later and took 32 seconds out of Froomes lead.  Some cretin in the crowd decided it was a good time to spit at Froome as he passed - - - the crowds on the stage today could cause problems lets hope not 
 A cool start this morning with a Temp less than double figures for a change 
 A nice clear sky points towards a fine day. Forecasters talk of cloud building in the afternoon with a risk of a shower or 2 - - - 
A fine looking Jackdaw joins us for breakfast 
Enjoy the day 
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Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

Friday 24 July 2015

311 Languages in our Schools & A new filter for the pond

Amazing stat about how many different languages are spoken in our Schools.  The banner headline about "over 50's told: cut down on alcohol" must be someone "havin a giraffe" - - - 
Sky News has a gallery of pics titled The British Invasion Of Benidorm Begins.  I suppose the threat of terrorism elsewhere has driven even more people to Spain this year - - - 
Le Tour grinds on in the Alps and Team Sky with Froome leading & Thomas 4th only having to endure 2 more mountain stage days to keep their places.  Contador tried a breakaway on yesterdays stage but it came to nought.  Quintana from the movistar team is in second place and reckons to make todays 138km mountain stage his chance of catching up some of the 3mins and 10secs he is behind Froome - - - 
The weather looked ok yesterday so i finished chopping up the final bit of wood and I tidied up the area 
of the firewood pile - - - 
One of our pond filters has for a long time had a non functioning UV system so i bit the bullet and bought a new system.  
 the whole thing is rather "compact" and has the look of a much large Koi pond system, hopefully it will prove to be efficient 
it comes with a pump which is also small but indicates it can shift 2500 litres an hour - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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Thursday 23 July 2015

Another cure for Alzheimers & A blue sky morning

"And the miracle cures just keep on coming" - - - must be a slack news day because i think this has already been aired  recently 
the pic is of an Emperor Butterfly  which in the UK are as rare as hens teeth apparently - - - the creature eats rotting flesh and other "delectables" and is difficult to find.  If you grab your butterfly net now and sprint off to the woods you might just spot one but be quick they will all be dead by the end of July. 
 Google "Timeline" app which can, if you are that way inclined give away your every move !  "cool!" for some "embarrassing" for others no doubt - - - 
The logging yesterday was particularly humid 
 i had to sort out the remaining branches from the last large tree on this hillside 
 but first tackled the rounds by the woodpile 
 so there we are just the brashings to burn in Autumn and time to move on 
viewed from the other end i still have a few rounds to finish off and then after my next bout of "alternative activity" the tree in the left of the pic will be next - - - 
 feeling a little cool out with the 11c this morning
the weathercam looks great this morning after the grey skies of late. Forecasters are indicating a fine day with just the merest hint of  a shower during daylight 

Enjoy the day 
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Wednesday 22 July 2015

A cure for blindness & another lead grey sky

A cure for Blindness! This encouraging story  is covered in a number of newspapers - - -
the Mail carries this story about Can you spot the snow leopard - - - wonderful pics - - - 

Le Tour resumes after a welcome rest day. Geraint Thomas from Sky and a trusted Froome Lieutenant had a lucky escape on the last stage being shunted off a corner into a telegraph pole and down an 8ft drop .  Although the crash looked serious he emerged unscathed.  Todays stage is 161km and has some serious climbs in it!  - - - 

 quite warm again already this morning 
the weathercam shows a lead grey sky and we have already had a little light rain.  Forecasters are once again undecided on when more rain will fall during the day - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

Tuesday 21 July 2015

MP's Benefit "confusion" & Mother Nature warns us about El Nino !

Stating the obvious the headline is followed up by facts on which group of migrants is claiming what Its a staggering list of data.  The text is put together by Migrant Watch never knew they existed? from a gov.uk survey here's hoping some sensible course of action comes from the story.  The banner headline on the left sounds a bit of a generalisation while the one on the right about sugar in food is a talking point "all over" at the moment! 
In Parliament yesterday though even after being told to support the Gov's £12bn welfare cuts 48 Labour MP's rebelled and voted against the bill - - - something about Benefit "confusion" and not seeing the "big picture" would be an appropriate comment methinks 
With the weathermen in doubt yesterday over "yes it will rain No it wont. I decided on a short walk down the fields and back up the river 
 Sally mentioned these Hazel nuts from her morning walk and they look to be well on their way to ripening.  Its quite early in the season. i wonder if Mother Nature knows about the coming El Nino 
walking onto the fields i could see the rain to the South in the distance 
 10 minutes later and only the merest hint of a shower where i am but looking North West the rain is already on the bit i have just walked over  
 reaching the River Derwent the rain is now evident and splashing on its surface 
 I came across this dead young Badger right on the river bank.  It didn't look to have been attacked so i had no idea why it was dead 
 upstream i spotted this angler but while watching him a few moments he didn't catch anything 
 the Yellow Wagtail on the other side of the river had more luck than the angler, busy catching flies
the river is really low at the moment because the rocks in the shot are mostly covered by water 

with the rain blowing away i have a last look across to the West before returning home
 nice and warm this morning although the Bar. Trends is down indicating rain 
the weathercam shows the brighter side of the local forecast at the moment.  "Experts" are divided not about if it will rain but "when".  Some say morning others afternoon - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders