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Saturday 28 February 2015

Jihadi John identity revealed & the pond needs attention

Interesting headline in the Express this morning.
The Sky News  story on the theme indicates MI5 have known his identity for some time - - -

In an effort to "get on with my book" im having a go at writing first thing in the morning, I can almost always find an excuse "not" to get on with it during the day
I'm up to the part of my career when i spend some time in 50 Missile Regiment Royal Artillery who were stationed in Menden, Germany.  Unsure if i had made the right move at first i am suddenly "in the right place at the right time!"

 My first walk after the holiday was a bit of a dull weather affair
Although the snow drops are still in bloom but are looking a little jaded now
As i reached this point the wind increased to 30mph plus and i'm looking directly at it funnelling down the valley from Bakewell

For yesterdays walk the sun shone and the sky was blue
 The hillside leading up to the Nine Ladies Stone Circle looked to be enjoying the sunshine as much as the sheep

Even the sun on the far bank though couldn't make the cold river look inviting.  I did see 2 of the 4 Swans i took pics of before the holiday
The view North up the valley looked stunning though even in the very cooling breeze

I noticed the pond pumps looked to be covered in old foliage yesterday so it looks to be a bit of pond cleaning up day today - - -
I shall start logging again soon but the first job will be to bring down all the "fire ready" wood to fill up the new store.  Having said that the new store needs a roof so that will have to be completed soon - - -
 cool stats again, one of my instruments is showing 9c! cant imagine why
Still pretty gloomy on the weathercam.  Forecasters indicate a wet and windy day!

Enjoy the day
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1 comment:

  1. hi im writing on behalf of my dad who is in this picture an wondering if your writing as you was yourself thanks james
