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Thursday 5 February 2015

its still going to snow? & Back to the fun factory

The Express tells youngsters that they will get a £100k boost to their pensions.  The real story is that pension companies will be restricted to what they can charge for their "services"  - - -

The prediction of The beast from the east cold weather and snow looks like it "might" be with us today, the forecast for our area only hints a little sleet or rain - - - that'll be a "small beast then" - - -

Having seen the snow on the "edge's" on Tuesday when we lunched i determined to walk them yesterday hoping the sun would be evident for some good pics  (click to enlarge)
 the tracks along the edge's were very icy so it was a case of taking it easy
 great view South to where Chatsworth is and then on to our valley in the distance
 The view looking West from Curbar edge
 and then looking off North West towards Kinder the area in the distance
 this is what's left of an old stone circle
 I'm on White e3dge now on the second half of the walk and noticed a couple of footpaths through the snow I haven't noticed before, i must try them one day
 almost at the end now and the sun is still making for a great walk
Driving back through Chatsworth i spotted this herd of deer, pulling over i just snapped the pic through the open window, not realising until i downloaded the pic that i had included the House in the shot - - -

this striking looking Blackbird and then his mate spent quite a time on the feeders yesterday, maybe he thinks the snow is coming as well as the forecaster - - -

Back to the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) this morning to sample the delights of the new reductions report- - - i gather it has the air of a "bit of a fairy story" - - - we shall see - - -
cool stats but no frost 

The sky is quite full of cloud and the forecasters have predicted snow but locally it might just be sleety rain -  -- 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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