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Tuesday 3 February 2015

its going to get colder & Not your lucky day Mr Mouse!

Another miracle cure graces the Express front page for diabetes the text does say "its likley the pill will have to be used with some other treatement" as well - - -

The beast from the east  is how the metro describes this story about a "cold air flow" coming in from Siberia Wednesday.  It claims that all of the UK could be affected by snow from the blast. Apparently the "government" has issued a level three cold weather health warning for the whole of the UK until Saturday! - - -

Yesterdays walk proved interesting in more ways than one
right at the start i couldn't help noticing this line of red tipped stakes in the ground.  It looks as if the intended "cycle path" is going to be here.
it will also take over this path alongside the Peak Rail track
 I paused briefly to admire the view and the ground alongside the line of trees is normally covered in rabbits when its a bit warmer.  Today the birds have it 2 magpies, 2 pheasants, a Blackbird and a couple of Dunnocks.
the molehill nearest this tree was almost a foot high!
I followed the hedge line in the previous pic and at its end are a couple of what look to be horse graves? This is just one of them
walking down this wall line i noticed a new fence line had been erected and the old elder bushes have been grubbed out I wonder what is going to be housed in the pasture.  When the old riding school nearby was going it would always have a few horses in it

down by the river on a part of the bank I dont usually "patrol" I spotted this, and other holes, looks like a badger set.
with the Temp still below zero and the sun struggling to shine through the cloud it was time to head home.

Not your lucky day Mr Mouse!
this poor unfortunate had been caught outside by Little Man but had managed to escape and run under the kitchen units.  It must have been having a go at the peanut butter bait of the left trap and once it sprung,  it must have blundered into the second one - - -
cold stats had been dropped by the weather machine and it had to be re-set once again
still too dark for the weathercam to get a good pic, the starry sky of earlier has cloud building already

Enjoy the day
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