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Friday 6 February 2015

pass me a grape please! & Do you sell Black Cloves eyes?

The express lets us know that Grapes will fight memory loss (?)  - - - pass me a grape please! - - -

while the mail comes up with the idea that the annual flu jab is a waste of time for the majority of people who have it - - -

Down at the Fun Factory i was party to the new report i must use for the reductions process.  I have been bleating on about it since it appeared and yesterday canvassed other colleagues on what they think about it,  all were negative and roundly complained about it being next to useless.  The bottom line is, we have a report and we have to use it, we then have to check every item on the shelves to see if they are todays date and reduce them.  - - - I wrote across the report I used, "This report is as much use as a chocolate fire-guard", followed by, "We had a half decent system and we appear to have thrown it into the bin"

That frustration aside though i had two strange/funny requests yesterday.  One from a lady who wanted some bread to take to a friend in Italy, the friend said he "wanted the bread with the baked beans on the wrapper" result? - - - negative

The other was from a nervous young man who flicking his head left and right asked me if we sold "Black cloves eyes?" i asked him to repeat it and got the same message.  Finally asking him to speak directly to me as i am deaf he asked for "Black cloves dye" clearly not enunciating the "clothes" word had thrown me.  "ah yes", i replied "we dont sell that item sir" - - - result? - - - negative
cold stats again this morning, the display was blank when i first looked at it but it appears to have re-set itself! - - - 
frosty and clear ish outside.  The forecast is for cloud to build during the afternoon.  We look to have escaped the snow! - - - 

Enjoy the day
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