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Saturday 14 February 2015

A savings boost! & Caution fly fishermen at work

An optimistic start to the day at the Express with a "savings boost for millions" all attributed to global stock markets soaring!  - - - must be a slack news day methinks - - -

Yesterday i decided only to do a short walk and it turned out to be a good idea
a pretty gloomy shot at the start of the walk does not convey how bitingly cold the wind was,
the large molehill, at left, featured in a previous blog has been joined by some equally proportioned ones
I discovered a newly erected stile over a fence and wondered why it was there because its not a recognised footpath at this point. To get around this point i had been using the branches of the tree to precariously get to the other side recently.
similarly at the next fence line which was impossible to get over there was yet another stile.  The river bank had also been flattened, so its now an easy stroll right by the river
 it all became clear as i approached this sign for the Darley Dale Fly Fishing Club I had seen what were  obviously new fly fishing "steps" down into the river at various points some time ago.  So the club has been developing their stretch of the River and creating a very nice footpath as well - - -
 i spotted these 4 young swans feeding i wondered how long they might be around as swans are not a permanent feature along this stretch - - -

I culled the text below from an e mail i received from The Pacific Institute  Its one of these motivational "things" I'm sure most "professionals" have been subjected to during their careers.  When i was working regularly I was subjected to it, its a bit like panning for gold, you spend hours sifting through the sand and then get the odd "nugget"

Flexibility in times of change 
"The only constant in the universe is change." Whether these words were from Heraclitus (a 5th century BC Greek philosopher) or Albert Einstein, they were correct. The ability to quickly adapt is still a survival skill, one that has set the human species apart from most others.

One of the secrets to happiness in these changing times is the ability to be flexible - the power to adapt. Some people make themselves miserable by being very stubborn about their plans for the future. They choose a path and refuse to deviate from it, no matter what.

Now, persistence and tenacity are normally great qualities to have, but when it's necessary to take a new direction, resistance can keep us stuck in the mud. The happiest and most successful people most likely are those who are eager to learn new ways. They adapt to new systems when the old ones don't work or when something better comes along.

If one career path fails, they enthusiastically learn a new way to make a living. If their marriage ends, they are able to adjust to being alone or to a new relationship. If people frustrate them and they see that these folks aren't going to change, they accept them the way they are and relax, or they express their regrets without judging or blaming, and move on.

The Alcoholics Anonymous "serenity" prayer says it all: Change what you can, accept what you can't, and cultivate the wisdom to know the difference. To these wise words perhaps we should add, "...and believe wholeheartedly in my ability to do both!"

cold soggy stats this morning and i feel the barometric tendency is rather influenced by a small rise in Bar. pressure rather than any sunshine on its way!
 the weathercam is much the same view as yesterday with some hill fog around as well as a little light rain
In Finland though its -27c so I'm glad i'm not there
Off to "the foreign" tomorrow after we put little man in his 5 star hotel, we'll be jetting off to ours, +29c there just now, no chance of any frost! - - -
Enjoy the day
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