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Monday 2 February 2015

Winter blast for a month & a cold nine ladies

The Express is predicting the "Winter Blast" will last a month and bring travel chaos.  The text behind the headline  is a little less dramatic although the "experts" are hinting the weather could equal or be worse than the 2010 "big freeze" when it was very cold for a number of weeks - - -

Although this concise weeks forecast from the BBC weatherman mentions that we might get some snow mid week, he hints at it being "less cold" the following week - - -

yesterday's walk up to the nine ladies started off pleasant enough
down at the river level i could see the snow bathed in sunlight up on the ridge i was headed for
the wind from the North was very cold as i walked up the River track Looking up to Peak Tor i wondered if the regular undulations in all the fields around here could be from the "ridge and furrow days?"
as i reached the gate i noticed how much colder it was up at this level.  The muddy River track was replaced by a slightly frozen one
nearly at the top and the ground is frozen solid and the 6 inches of snow from last week shows no sign of melting.

there was evidence that some forestry work had recently been done close to the stone circle
very grey up at the circle
heading back down and directly into the wind again.  The blue sky heralds quite a long period of almost clear weather until late in the day
My weather machine has once again lost the link to the sensors, it has a habit of doing this when the Temp gets interesting!  My back up machine is indicating a minus 3c

Enjoy the day
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