What will humans look like in 100,000 years asks the article from "Mother Nature Network" - - -
Mmmmmm! - - - I just really noticed the eyes especially on the girl, to me they are saying "OMG! where's my phone?!!!" - - -
This is "Trinity Groves" daughter of roofer Phillip who has been landed with a mobile phone bill from his daughter watching "loom band" videos.
£1792 she spent because their house wifi was down for at least 2 weeks and the phone started using the premium internet rate .
You have to feel sorry for Philip but i think most people would know if the wifi had been down for 2 weeks! - - - Her reaction? Well she's "very sad" having to stop watching the video's - - -
The pic at left is Sir Richard Broadbent and he's quitting his job at Tesco,
no he doesn't stack bread like me but maybe he should If you fancy employing him i should read
This first
Deloitte have been rummaging around the Tesco books for some while now and have dug up a catalogue of what can only be described
by me as "cock ups" of enormous proportions. 8 senior execs are now suspended and the former finance bod had still not been paid his bonus more than 6 months after he "resigned" - - - oh dear - - - I bet a few other supermarkets have started to look under the table though at their book keeping methods - - -
I decided it was time I visited the
Nine Ladies stone circle yesterday
it was a bit of grey day but here it is in all its glory. It had been some time since i tackled the 200 metre difference in height and 2 hour time frame. Its telling this morning on my aching muscles but the pics make it worth the effort. (click in the pics to see enlarged versions)
the River Derwent looks pretty good with my goal off in the distant hills
we don't get Swans on this stretch of the river very often so this pair got some attention
leaving the River the route starts its climb with the sky looking good. It wouldnt last though
this tree had lost a couple of very large branches one of which looked like it had fallen onto the small road by the chain saw debris lying around
This logging operation looks almost complete as a loaded lorry had just departed. It looks to be a thinning operation rather than a clearing one because theres no sign of a bare patch at all. I had noticed the track being put in across the field and up into the wood a good 18 months ago. The "new build" houses are visible on what used to be Cobb Slater factory site. Fingers crossed they don't start creeping up the valley
Ah the good old days,abandoned millstones in the overgrown quarry - - - manufacture of these went to China (where else) years ago.
click to enlarge this pic to see the initials CB scratched into the sandstone 40 ft above the quarry floor. There's a date underneath looks like 1912 if i play around with the contrast and colours but i cant be too sure
Thats it then, I have "scaled the heights" and i retrace my steps back down the footpaths. This view is looking North towards the hills to the East of
Chatsworth House which is not far out of shot.
Slightly fuzzy this pic but I collected these Sweet Chestnuts on the way down, the Gonzalo winds looked to have dislodged them and the Squirrels were working over time collecting them and scurrying off to hide them
Sally and her "big sis" are off for lunch today so, being "abandoned" to my own devices for Lunch its looking like Pitzza and beer,"oh dear what a shame never mind"
dull stats - - - cant wait for it to get windy rainy snowy & cold!
grey cotton wool sky as well!
Enjoy the day