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Saturday 30 August 2014

Disturbing headlines & Do we have an intruder?

The express main headline follows many a story in the media about attacks in the UK from the ISIS Jihadi movement.  Not directly related but for those who remember the MP Enoch Powell and his supposed Rivers of blood speech" back in the 60's.  It has some spooky connection to what is happening in UK just now.  A lot of people at the time branded him a bit of a loony for making the speech - - - Mmmmm - - -

Will it blow - has it blown - is it over?   Its the saga of the Icelandic volcano that the media have been covering.
The Sky News Story  timed at 2:01pm, how precise! yesterday had all the airlines on "ash cloud alert" while the The BBC Story  timed at 22:23 had it all over bar the shouting.  Makes you wonder who the various media outlets are talking to for the information.  - - -

I never knew the old 1957 film "Bridge on the River Kwai" about the British WWII prisoners of war building a railway in Burma was made in Sri Lanka
The story relates how locals close to the film location of the famous railway bridge blown up in the film are up in arms.  The Sri Lankan electricity board want to dam the river which might effect the local tourist industry income from the film location and its white water rafting activities.  "The Authorities" are planning to rebuild the bridge within the next 2 years to promote ther local tourist industry - - -

Closer to home 
Our IR intruder device to protect "Boris" keeps picking up something moving around behind the terrace in the middle of the night.  It cant be an animal unless its 4ft tall!  I've checked both with a torch and creeping about in the dark myself but who/what ever it is must hear me coming.  Methinks its time to install a night vision security device! - - -

After checking when to prune a wayward hawthorn bush yesterday i set to on what was just a stump at the beginning
of the year.  It used to a huge tree with long gangly arms waving about perilously in the wind which was one of the reasons for cutting it down.  We had ideas on digging it up if we killed it but are now hoping it will not get out of control and might in the end be a new birdfeeder cam location.
We replaced the step up into the shed on the recently modified pergola.  The step also makes a handy seating place.  It will be nice to sit there with your back to the shed gazing at the view of next doors "Berlin Wall" fence - - -
I was checking one of our cameras yesterday and the view across the valley was particularly stunning dont you think! - - -
After our labours later though we settled down to have a small tipple and some light rain came along to spoil the show but Sally's "Norfolk" sun brolly saved the day - - -
More work in the garden today clearing away our various tree pruning's and bountious pea vines before lunching at The Grouse - - - looks like the sun brolly might once again be handy to keep the forecasted afternoon rain off us.

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website   (now reverted to an earlier design)
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

Friday 29 August 2014

"Watch" this & LM gets another Robin

"watch this" If there was a prize for "silliest watch of the week" the new Samsung Gear S might take it.  Its the latest in "new technology" watches by the likes of Samsung and LG.  The story relates how "Apple" is waiting until next month before it launches its "device" . The story does have a bit of "tongue in cheek" in the telling about the  Motorola effort launched earlier in the year dubbed "The Moto 360" it is described as having  a "distinctive trait" - - - by being round! - - -

ooooppps! says Zara's online shop for promoting what the story describes as its "Holocaust uniform" the online catalogue pic looked too much like the concentration camp uniform of WWII.  Complaints from the public lead to "Zara" removing it from sale - - -

A novel way to get people to dig up your beach is to Hide gold in the sand   This is what an artist has done on Folkstone beach in an effort to appreciate the "art" produced by what it is hoped will be hundreds if not thousands of people digging for the gold - - -

Closer to home
Our local Doctors phoned me the other day and left a message for me to have a "telephone appointment" with a doctor?!   At the appointed time I spoke to one of the practice doctors about a repeat prescription.  Last time i had to do this I was given a slot on the normal appointment system, I guess this way it saves them a slot and lots of time.  - - - very forward thinking! - - -

Little Sainsbury is still much of a nocturnal animal and spends most of the daytime in a comfortable spot, like Sally's easy chair in this pic.  Presently he's hunkered down in the bottom of the spare bedroom wardrobe.
One of last nights victims was laid out on the floor this morning poor "cock Robin"
With the onset of this "early Autumn" that i keep banging on about its time to start digging up, clipping and pruning various bits and bobs in the garden.  You can just see on the right of the pic a little coloured screen i put up to give my neighbour a bit more privacy because he seems unwilling to complete his fence at the moment - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website   (now reverted to an earlier design)
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Electrify your brain? & The planning man says - - OK!

The idea of putting electrodes on your head is rather spooky but scientists at Oxford University are doing just that.  The stimulation to the brain has been proved to "improve performance in maths tests".the US military is supposedly using the technology to "improve the performance of its drone pilots.  A word of warning is fired across the bows of computer gamers though who have tried the technology and labelled it "over clocking the brain".  A similar practice can be done with computer CPU's! - - -  This technology presumes "you have a brain" i imagine it would prove harmless to some of the "gene pool" - - -

The volcano in Iceland is still keeping scientists guessing as to what its going to do - - -

While our own "Weather Scientists" promised us a miserable Bank Holiday with "Freezing temperatures, heavy rain and strong winds" it mostly fizzled out with just persistant light rain and slightly below average temps.  - - -
My take on the weather now is that Aurtumn has already started.  Observing what nature is doing the "conker trees" are already shutting down and shedding leaves along with a number of other trees.  A stroll to the local shop yesterday showed the pavement covered in beechnuts which have to be a "sign" surely. This could all be smoke and mirrors though as we might always get an "Indian Summer"  through Sept and Oct or conversely a thoroughly early and cold winter - - - time alone will tell - - -

This is funny unless its your sandwich which keeps disappearing from the fridge at work - - - worth  a look at the various notices though! - - -

The Express warned of the "Wet and Windy Bank Holiday" that never was along with a "Fairy Story" about how we are going to get tough with the EU! - - -

Closer to home
Sally has wind of a job by securing an interview - - - fingers crossed everyone! .

 I "FINALLY" decide to hang up my metaphorical hat and finish work at the end of the current Sainsbury's "financial year" .  My last shift will be on the 8th of March.  I was going to finish the day we go on our February holiday but for the sake of only one more round of 6 shifts I have decided to keep going to the end of their year.  - - - I already have the beginnings of "a list" of things I will try my hand at once I "retire!"  - - -

With our Pergola and fence mods complete the planning man was summoned to inspect the work.  It was a different man than the original one and here he is measuring the overall height of the structure.  He indicates it is OK and we just need the official report in writing to end the sorry saga.
We still have no idea who reported our misdemeanour's in the first place but speculation only brings us down to one individual.
- - - The planning man was amused by our neighbours attempt to "get some privacy" with his "Berlin Wall" - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website   (now reverted to an earlier design)
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

Friday 22 August 2014

Nice lawn we'll have that & In store showers!

Rather a poor pic but the Video in this link is quite clear.  2 Thieves walk up and roll & fold a newly laid lawn and carry it presumably to a vehicle out of shot - - - cheek!!! - - -

Middle lane hogging  on the Motorways has been an offence for almost 12 months now and it looks to have been almost a bit of a waste of time.  This story claims its still going on in a big way and the Department of Transport don't have any figures to confirm or deny its effectiveness. - - - looks like another waste of time! - - -

Global warming : this story indicates its on a "slowdown" and that the trend could last 10 years.  The latest bit of Crystal ball gazing by the boffins attempt to convince us that its all to do with Atlantic Ocean Currents.  I find it all a bit strange that they are saying what might happen in 10 years time and they find it difficult to predict accurately what's the weather is going to be next week! - - -

Closer to home
We have contacted the planning bod who visited us recently to let us know our fence and pergola structures were too high.  We have completed all the modifications and await hopefully his "rubber stamp" of official approval.
Conversely it turns out our neighbour with "The Berlin Wall" has decreed that "he knows the planning laws" and the planning bod has measured his fence in the wrong place.  He has apparently also stated that he is not going to modify his fence until he completes some kind patio in front of it!
Given his record of completing any job I would put money on him falling foul of the planning bods rules and patience which could lead to big problems.  I do love the folly of the ignorant! - - - 

Down at the Fun Factory its been a trying time because the place is abuzz with preparation for some big wig visit over the weekend.
One light hearted moment I uncovered though!
 I noticed this large black container on a shelf above a display of frying pans with a notice on it which says, "Please do not touch"

Tracking down one of the colleagues in that department, "lets call her Hannah" she giggled and told me the tale.

The container had been there for a while without the notice on catching drips of water from a leak in the roof! - - - OK! you can see what's coming cant you!!

A lady was looking at the frying pans on the shelf below and thinking the container had more pans in it she reached up grabbed the top edge and pulled at it.  The container was about half full of rainwater and she got the lot all over her head!

After a large helping of apologies and an even larger bouquet of flowers the soggy customer was sent on her way.  I was tempted to scribble "in store shower" on the bottom of the notice but decided it wouldn't be a good idea.

Number 1 daughter (the elder) has visited the local cat rescue and reserved 2 female black kittens.  She will get them when they are 13 weeks old and is wondering about names.
Her only warning was,  "forget Aldi & Morrisons!", obviously pointing at our 2, Tesco & Sainsbury.  We suggested "sooty & Sweep", "Mack and Mabel", "Marmite & Bovril", "Guinness & Stout, and "Poppy and Tulip" .

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Randy the Guinea pig! & a burning day

The male guinea pig being held by the girl is called Randy which is rather appropriate because he appears to have broken into a female compound and mated with 100 of them.  This happened back in June and now his offspring are wowing visitors to Country World - - -

The mystery of Malaysian Airlines flight 370 has not been resolved but the 2 blokes in the pic have written a book indicating that the plane was landed on the ocean by the veteran pilot.  This, they say was done after the emergency oxygen masks had been deployed and the 20 minutes of supply had run out causing death by hypoxia - - - Its a theory that was bandied about some time ago and sounds plausible.  The search for the plane apparently go's on - - -

The Express Front Page Editor puts its "Ash Cloud Hell" top right while a benefit scrounger sits top left.  The "news" that our house prices have risen by a staggering £23k without us knowing it takes centre stage! - - -

Closer to home 
I managed a few hours logging in the morning yesterday just cutting up some boughs I had previously felled.  The day was breezy so I decided to try burning the 3 piles of brashings I had accumulated over the past few weeks
The 3 piles can be seen in the pic the one burning dropped a few embers on the plastic covering the woodpile but didn't cause any holes large enough to be concerned about - - - nice pic of the clouds
The last pile go's up with the next bit of forest due for felling in the background.

I also managed to change the cooling fan on my Chinese netbook.  I had tried running the birdfeeder cam etc on it but the bearings in the fan gave out and it was making some desperate noises.  Cost of fan? a princely sum of £3.95 post free! - - -

Its back to the Fun Factory tomorrow for a series of shifts so a "casual relaxing day today!" for me - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Common sense? maybe not & looking like a logging morning

You kind of imagine that the people you see parading around in Police uniform on our streets are "the good guys".  This story covers Social media breaches which shows they are "just like us", or in the cases mentioned "Just plain dumb".
The story has a number of examples of gaffs on Facebook by officers which have lead to them getting the sack.  The standard one liner from a top plod at the foot of the story sums it up, "there is no place in policing for officers who abuse the trust placed in us by the public"  - - - especially if they are dumb enough to put their grievances on Facebook! - - - 

The Icelandic volcanoes are making the the news again  The pic by the way is from the 2010 eruption of Eviafjallajokull, try saying that after a couple of beers, which caused extensive airline disruption.
We were trasnsiting LA at the time and hoped for a couple of days delay but "no dice".  The latest rumblings are from a volcano called Bardarbunga which has had its strongest awakwing since 1996.  A "Met Office Seismologist" came out with a "gem" when asked about any disruptive ash cloud on the scale of the 2010 event.  One of the factors he explained would be "how high any ash from the volcano would be thrown" I think that's called "expert analysis" - - -

There's an award for the best one liner at the Edinburgh's Festival Fringe  which has been won by a previous victor.  Follow the link above to see it - - - amusing - - -

Closer to Home
Number 1 Daughter the elder informs me that she and her husband whilst picking plums noticed a "thing" and on picking it up realised that it was a Hawk moth caterpillar which featured in yesterdays blog - - coincidence or what! - - -

Using some of the slate we brought back from the Lakes trip the other day we set to and finished off the path to the very top of the garden - - - rustic or what! - - - 
Sainsbury returned a couple of times during the night with his "prizes" who's "leftovers" were liberally strewn around the house this morning.  After having the usual cat food for breakfast he went out and returned with this poor creature proving "there's nothing like a hot breakfast!" - - - 

This mornings garden pic has all the hallmarks of a logging morning!  I have been neglecting it lately having been busy with the pergola lowering project which is now complete - - - to the woods!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

Monday 18 August 2014

The end of the world! & I'm in touch

Its the End of the world but this time its official! so says the Metro story

A date for the diary then is 16th March 2880!  "Scientists are confident" that with 35 generations to go before impact "disaster can be averted"
You have to laugh about the date prediction, the weatherman cant say for certain what weather we are going to get this afternoon but we can predict the "end of the world" to the exact day - - -

The "Idiot of the week" award has to go to a man throwing a grenade  he found on an Essex beach for his dog to retrieve - - -

The Express explores fantasy land with its headlines about "Welfare squads" targeting benefit scroungers - - -

Closer to home 
The garden features heavily
One of our resident squirrels performing its usual acrobatics to steal the peanuts
we finally finish the pergola lowering exercise and just scrape into the legal measurements for the structure
The garden is looking great but the weatherman is predicting the possibility of frost in the next few day!
a bit of weeding reveals a large Hawk Moth caterpillar
We see a Red Admiral butterfly yesterday and it visits the Buddleia up by the shed quite regularly now

And finally, after many years of being out of touch with my 2 daughters, "I'm in touch". In the space of a couple of weeks I have lunch with one and am in touch on Facebook with the other.
So I now have 2 Number 1 daughters! to blog about, Daughter Number 1 the elder & Daughter No 1 the younger - - - Its a funny old game! - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

Saturday 16 August 2014

Its going to get cold! & Our Lake District day out

Great pic of a Ryan Air flight taking off from the East Midlands airport with a mini tornado in the background.  The main thrust of the story though is that temperatures are set to plummet in the UK in the next few days
The story blames the tail of tropical storm Bertha for this intimating that its going to blow cold air down from Scandinavia - - - looks like Autumn might get a bit of help if it comes off

Hello Mr Magpie - - - we say it every time we see them around - - - Its an old wives tale though that they steal shiny objects.  This story however puts the theory to the test and de-bunks it - - - One thing i have never figured out is, how can you tell which of a pair of magpies is male of female? - - -

Its been hitting the papers for a couple of days and the Express have shunned their "normal" miracle cure sensations to plaster Cliff Richards and his alleged wrong doings all across the front page - - - looks like the story might run for a while - - -

Closer to home 
We had organised a trip up to the Lake District, not normally something we do in the "summer season" because of the crowds of tourists.  This trip was rather special as we had arranged to meet Number 1 daughter for lunch.
As tradition dictates we stopped at the last "lay by truck stop" before Windermere for a brew and a Cumberland burger, highly recommended.
Then it was up and over the Kirkstone Pass - - - uncharted territory for us as we normally keep to the Ambleside - Keswick side of things.
I don't really think this Scottish truck meant to come up this way.  The people alongside it have abandoned their broken down car and are walking to the top of the pass to organise recovery - - no mobile signals here!
We reach the Best Western in Glenridding and settle down to lunch with Number 1 Daughter and her Husband.  almost 3 hours later we bade them good bye and then I relaise we have forgotton to take any lunchtime pics!
Sally waves from the window of our room as I wander off the 80 metres to the lakeside to get some pics - - - on the way back i notice black clouds approaching and the odd drop of rain falling.
A few minutes later it is bucketing down and Boris enjoys a shower
The following morning there were some fantastic misty reflection pics to be had
We visit http://www.honister-slate-mine.co.uk/ where Sally does an impression of a bag Lady! We both comment on how warm it is before realising we are normally up there in winter!
With our half ton of slate for the garden loaded we head off home

It was Sally who had noticed a couple of our website still pics were obviously not functioning and had stopped around 2200 the previous night.  I had imagined the laptop to have crashed but in the end i traced it to the RCD unit down by the pond.  It had just given up the ghost and had to be replaced

Today looks to be the "calm before the storm" type of day because tomorrow has been wildly predicted to be very wet so - - - to the garden!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam