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Thursday 31 July 2014

Dont go near the cows! & Malady at the Fun Factory

Some interesting facts in this article
Cows especially with calves around can be particularly protective.  Sally and I used to go through a field on our early morning walks and were confronted by some very feisty beasts when we got between the mothers and babies.
The story mentions no end of other "surprises" you might meet out in the countryside - - - nice pics in the story - - -

A cringe worthy tale here
Sophie-May Dixon, well she had to be hyphenated didn't she! has 2 girls "Princess bliss" and "Precious bell" - - - say no more? but wait just click the link to see what she puts the kids through on a daily basis - - - the names alone are going to ensure they are popular targets at school methinks - - -

Funny but not funny if you know what I mean
just watch the video - - -

The current Ebola scare
in West Africa makes chilling reading but the comment by our own Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond should be noted
" Precautionary measures have been put into place to protect Britons from Ebola but it is most unlikely it could spread within the UK" Mmmmm
"The UK border staff dont sound confident"

Closer to home
Finishing my series of shifts at the Fun Factory yesterday and looking forward to a week of "getting things done"  My day staff manager colleagues however have the dubious honour of standing in for the Night Shift Manager who is off sick for a reported 7 weeks.   I had to ask the question of "why?"  the guy only works 5 days a week so what do the "shift" do for the other 2 days and surely thats what team leaders are for - - no?  The answers are unprintable!

Driving home I was wondering what I might get up to last night as Sally is off on a mission to her old stamping ground of Norfolk with her big sis.
The answer was staring me in the face when i switched on the website, something was not well with the old pc running the webcams.
Even the old rule of switch it off and then switch it back on failed to solve the problem.  I then spent a few hours setting up the old Chinese netbook  to replace it.  This is the machine that died some months ago but it was only the RAM that needed replacing - - -

Rain is forecast for today so its logging time before it begins for me - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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