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Friday 4 July 2014

Dont die its too expensive & Grapevine and peas

Better save up if you want to die!
Sky rocketing  prices in the "death trade" are paraded in this story
It'll cost you £3500 for a basic funeral and if you want flowers or headstone "accessories" its a cool £7622 - - - where did i put those large bin bags! - - -

Amusing or what!
Have a look at this  video  and if it doesnt make you laugh you must be having a really bad day! - - -

Here's another "bad for you" Story
This time its the much loved strawberry
The "horror" in the story relates to frozen strawberries causing problems but the "evidence" produced looks a little flimsy to me - - -

The Express tell us yet again that statins are good for us

Closer to home 
.At the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) we are awash with new colleagues on the shop floor so it looks as if the "hours matching" exercise is finally over.
In the bakery the boss, "lets call him Craig" had just been informed that he's posted to another store up in Sheffield from September.
Strange move? in as much as he was moved into the bakery for "experience" not long ago and spends most of his time propping up his old job, therefore getting no "experience" whatsoever.  The job he's going to in Sheffield?  his old one! In the words of Star treks Mr Spock, "There's logic Jim but not as we know it" - - -
Saisnbury the Tabby cat brings home a couple of presents
The grape vine in our lower terraced greenhouse is taking over!
We decided to let it grow without trimming it back this year !
There are grapes in there somewhere - - -
meanwhile at the top of the garden we have never had such a showing of peas!

The logging was good yesterday with quite a bit of progress achieved
This seasons pile (uncovered) is growing as is the twig bonfire, today might be a burning day if there's a bit of a breeze
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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