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Tuesday 29 July 2014

Explosives are "safer" before 5a.m. says power company? & Who killed cock robin - again!

The "powers that be" decided to blow up the cooling towers of the old Didcot power station .
The "health and Safety" boys though got into their heads that explosives are safer if you pop them before 0500.

Clearly the idea was to have aqs few of the local populace around at the time but hey! everyone wants to see a great big bang dont they?

Local residents were "angered at the decision and "Christine Reardon 44" even got a petition going and harvested "more than 3000 signatures"  - - - If they knew it was scheduled for 5 why didn't they just set their alarms?   - - - not a bad video in the link though - -

There must be something in Yemen
that draws those type of people who just wont take good advice.!
This story covers the plight of one "Mike Harvey" who was kidnapped in Feb this year.  At the time another Brit and a German had been kidnapped as well.
Very lucky not to have had their heads on sticks outside seom dusty village in the hills they should head the advice of the foreign office "The Foreign Office advises against travel to the country by British Nationals"  - - - The little country just along the southern coast Dhofar, part of Oman is a much nicer place! - - -

Closer to home
"Another one bites the dust" up at the logging site and joins the ever growing pile of future firewood.  The weathers looking good for a spell up there today as well
This frog enjoying the lillypads is oblivious of the drama below it.  We spotted a problem with one of our "old timers" in the pond.  It had an ulcer on its side and was obviously in a bit of distress as it was hiding behind one of the pond plants
The fish had the same complaint last year and for once one of the concoctions you can purchase seemed to work.  All seems to be going well so far - - -

I was preparing for work yesterday and Sainsbury the Tabby appeared with "another bird"
"once again"it turned out to be a Robin - - - as I took the picture i said "who killed Cock Robin" a refrence to the nursery rhyme.
 He then strode forward and issued a loud "Me" Ow!

At the Fun Factory - - - thankfully a day off for me and only 1 more day in my shift pattern left things are going "according to plan"  - - - Which plan? and the fact no-one seems to know the plot appears to be irrelevant just at the moment.

Our new Bakery boss, come September paid a visit to the shop the other day but unfortunately I was not in attendance.  "She seems OK" was the consensus of the bakery boys  - - -

2 "managers" went round the shop the other day with our electronic handsets using it to look at "gaps" on the shelves and analysing the results.  The idea was to find out how many of the gaps should not have been there.  In effect where we had inventory of the item back in the warehouse.  Frightening!! was the result which go's to show that "something is wrong" - - - I fear that a remedy might be just swept under the metaphorical carpet - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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